OpenVDB 5.1.0 Hello World example link error on Mac

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I tried different ways to run the hello world example from the openvdb cookbook for the latest version 5.1.0. But I keep on getting Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64 error on my MacBook pro (macOS High Sierra 10.13.4).

To narrow down the problem, I simplify the hello world example as:

#include <openvdb/openvdb.h>
#include <iostream>
int main()

To compile the code, I installed openvdb 5.1.0 using homebrew brew install openvdb. The command line I use to compile the code is (g++ version = 5.4.0):

g++ -g -std=c++11 -I/usr/local/Cellar/openvdb/5.1.0_1/include \
-I /usr/local/Cellar/boost/1.67.0_1/include \
-I /usr/local/Cellar/tbb/2018_U4/include \
-L /usr/local/Cellar/openvdb/5.1.0_1/lib \
-L /usr/local/Cellar/boost/1.67.0_1/lib \
-L /usr/local/Cellar/tbb/2018_U4/lib \
test.cpp -lopenvdb -ltbb -lHalf -lpthread

What I got is:

Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
"openvdb::v5_1::math::simplify(std::shared_ptr<openvdb::v5_1::math::AffineMap>)", referenced from:
  openvdb::v5_1::math::AffineMap::preRotate(double, openvdb::v5_1::math::Axis) const in ccBVTtHl.o
  openvdb::v5_1::math::AffineMap::preShear(double, openvdb::v5_1::math::Axis, openvdb::v5_1::math::Axis) const in ccBVTtHl.o
  openvdb::v5_1::math::AffineMap::postRotate(double, openvdb::v5_1::math::Axis) const in ccBVTtHl.o
  openvdb::v5_1::math::AffineMap::postShear(double, openvdb::v5_1::math::Axis, openvdb::v5_1::math::Axis) const in ccBVTtHl.o
  openvdb::v5_1::math::ScaleMap::preRotate(double, openvdb::v5_1::math::Axis) const in ccBVTtHl.o
  openvdb::v5_1::math::ScaleMap::preShear(double, openvdb::v5_1::math::Axis, openvdb::v5_1::math::Axis) const in ccBVTtHl.o
  openvdb::v5_1::math::ScaleMap::postRotate(double, openvdb::v5_1::math::Axis) const in ccBVTtHl.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

It seems the openvdb lib does not have the function implementation included. Did I miss something?

I also tried to compile from openvdb git v5.1.0.Other dependent packages are installed via homebrew (Only blosc is pulled from c-blosc git). However, the error is the same.

Anyone experience the same issue to make openvdb 5.1.0 run on Mac?


I try to use nm to figure out if the symbol inside test.o (use the same compile command without referring to any library) is inside openvdb.dylib. My target symbol here is simplify. The output is as below:

$ nm -A test.o | grep simplify

test.o: U __ZN7openvdb4v5_14math8simplifyESt10shared_ptrINS1_9AffineMapEE

$ nm -A libopenvdb.dylib | grep simplify

libopenvdb.dylib: 0000000000027a2a T __ZN7openvdb4v5_14math8simplifyENSt3__110shared_ptrINS1_9AffineMapEEE

$ nm -A git5.1.0/libopenvdb.dylib | grep simplify

libopenvdb.dylib: 00000000000d56c0 T __ZN7openvdb8v5_1abi34math8simplifyEN5boost10shared_ptrINS1_9AffineMapEEE

(I removed the path for better readability)

This is it! I have highlighted the three difference. I do not know the exact meaning of the highlighted part. My guess is that the shared_ptr in three file comes from different sources (C++x0,C++11,Boost)? But I compile test.o with Boost header included and c++11 turned on.

Any good suggestion for reasoning the difference?


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