Optimal way to access std::tuple element in runtime by index

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I have function at designed to access std::tuple element by index specified in runtime

template<std::size_t _Index = 0, typename _Tuple, typename _Function>
inline typename std::enable_if<_Index == std::tuple_size<_Tuple>::value, void>::type
for_each(_Tuple &, _Function)

template<std::size_t _Index = 0, typename _Tuple, typename _Function>
inline typename std::enable_if < _Index < std::tuple_size<_Tuple>::value, void>::type
    for_each(_Tuple &t, _Function f)
    for_each<_Index + 1, _Tuple, _Function>(t, f);

namespace detail { namespace at {

template < typename _Function >
struct helper
    inline helper(size_t index_, _Function f_) : index(index_), f(f_), count(0) {}

    template < typename _Arg >
    void operator()(_Arg &arg_) const
        if(index == count++)

    const size_t index;
    mutable size_t count;
    _Function f;

}} // end of namespace detail

template < typename _Tuple, typename _Function >
void at(_Tuple &t, size_t index_, _Function f)
    if(std::tuple_size<_Tuple> ::value <= index_)
        throw std::out_of_range("");

    for_each(t, detail::at::helper<_Function>(index_, f));

It has linear complexity. How can i achive O(1) complexity?


There are 1 best solutions below


Assuming you pass something similar to a generic lambda, i.e. a function object with an overloaded function call operator:

#include <iostream>

struct Func
    template<class T>
    void operator()(T p)
        std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " : " << p << "\n";

The you can build an array of function pointers:

#include <tuple>

template<int... Is> struct seq {};
template<int N, int... Is> struct gen_seq : gen_seq<N-1, N-1, Is...> {};
template<int... Is> struct gen_seq<0, Is...> : seq<Is...> {};

template<int N, class T, class F>
void apply_one(T& p, F func)
    func( std::get<N>(p) );

template<class T, class F, int... Is>
void apply(T& p, int index, F func, seq<Is...>)
    using FT = void(T&, F);
    static constexpr FT* arr[] = { &apply_one<Is, T, F>... };
    arr[index](p, func);

template<class T, class F>
void apply(T& p, int index, F func)
    apply(p, index, func, gen_seq<std::tuple_size<T>::value>{});

Usage example:

int main()
    std::tuple<int, double, char, double> t{1, 2.3, 4, 5.6};
    for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) apply(t, i, Func{});

clang++ also accepts an expansion applied to a pattern that contains a lambda expression:

static FT* arr[] = { [](T& p, F func){ func(std::get<Is>(p)); }... };

(although I've to admit that looks really weird)

g++4.8.1 rejects this.