oracle apex ssl configuration for ords standalone server

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I have configured oracle apex 18.2 with ords as standalone server , For ords configuration i used below command

java -jar ords.war install advanced

I have selected 1 from below Question while Configuring ords

Enter 1 if using HTTP or 2 if using HTTPS [1]:

and Started the Server Using below Command

java -jar ords.war standalone

Server is working fine locally , but as per Current Plan i want to make server Live over internet for that i want to Secure Using SSL HTTPS Configuration , I exactly didn't know the Steps that how to Achieve this. I just have select Require HTTPS from Work-space in Instance Setting , but its didn't worked as instance was not accessible so i used below Command to Revert settings back


Want some useful suggestion for SSL/HTTPS Configuration


There are 1 best solutions below


Edit the file ..... config/ords/standalone/

Add the setting ( or whatever port needed )

That spins up the HTTPS service with a self-signed cert.

Next procure a certificate and set it in the configuration. There are multiple choices

  1. Let's Encrypt which is details in my blog post

  2. SSL authorities. This could include converting the ssl cert format to a .der which is what ORDS requires.

In this case, you must run a command similar to the following to convert it and remove the encryption:

openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -outform DER -in yourdomain.key -out yourdomain.der -nocrypt

Then again edit the conf/ords/standalone/ adding

ssl.cert=<path to yourdomain.crt> ssl.cert.key=<path to yourdomain.der>

This is in the doc here:

Or on oracle-base here: