ORO CRM: Failed migrations by Composer install

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I have a problem installing with the instructions (https://doc.oroinc.com/backend/setup/installation/).

This my environment:

Operating system: Debian GNU/Linux 8 (jessie)

MySql: mysql Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.0.38-MariaDB

Check system requirements
| Check   | Mandatory requirements                                                                                                                            |
| OK      | Vendor libraries must be installed                                                                                                                |
| OK      | app/cache/ or var/cache/ directory must be writable                                                                                               |
| OK      | app/logs/ or var/logs/ directory must be writable                                                                                                 |
| OK      | Configured default timezone "Europe/Berlin" must be supported by your installation of PHP                                                         |
| OK      | iconv() must be available                                                                                                                         |
| OK      | json_encode() must be available                                                                                                                   |
| OK      | session_start() must be available                                                                                                                 |
| OK      | ctype_alpha() must be available                                                                                                                   |
| OK      | token_get_all() must be available                                                                                                                 |
| OK      | simplexml_import_dom() must be available                                                                                                          |
| OK      | PCRE extension must be available                                                                                                                  |
| OK      | /tmp (sys_get_temp_dir()) directory must be writable                                                                                              |
| OK      | Maximum supported filename length must be greater or equal 242 characters. Make sure that the cache folder is not inside the encrypted directory. |
| Check   | PHP settings                               |
| OK      | detect_unicode must be disabled in php.ini |
| OK      | string functions should not be overloaded  |
| OK      | memory_limit should be at least 512M       |
| Check   | Oro specific requirements                                                                  |
| OK      | PHP version must be at least 7.3.13 (7.3.19-1+0~20200612.60+debian8~1.gbp6c8fe1 installed) |
| OK      | GD extension must be at least 2.0                                                          |
| OK      | cURL extension must be at least 7.0                                                        |
| OK      | openssl_encrypt() should be available                                                      |
| OK      | iconv() must not return the false result on converting string "check string"               |
| OK      | intl extension should be available                                                         |
| OK      | zip extension should be installed                                                          |
| OK      | NodeJS is installed                                                                        |
| OK      | NodeJS ">=12.0" version must be installed.                                                 |
| OK      | NPM is installed                                                                           |
| OK      | public/uploads/ directory must be writable                                                 |
| OK      | public/media/ directory must be writable                                                   |
| OK      | public/bundles/ directory must be writable                                                 |
| OK      | var/attachment/ directory must be writable                                                 |
| OK      | var/import_export/ directory must be writable                                              |
| OK      | public/js directory must be writable                                                       |
| OK      | public directory must be writable                                                          |
| OK      | config/parameters.yml file must be writable                                                |
| OK      | UUID SQL function must be present                                                          |
| Check   | Optional recommendations                                                        |
| OK      | Vendors should be installed in order to check all requirements.                 |
| OK      | PCRE extension should be at least version 8.0 (10.34 installed)                 |
| OK      | PHP-DOM and PHP-XML modules should be installed                                 |
| OK      | mb_strlen() should be available                                                 |
| OK      | utf8_decode() should be available                                               |
| OK      | filter_var() should be available                                                |
| OK      | posix_isatty() should be available                                              |
| OK      | intl extension should be available                                              |
| OK      | intl extension should be correctly configured                                   |
| OK      | intl ICU version should be at least 4+                                          |
| OK      | intl.error_level should be 0 in php.ini                                         |
| OK      | a PHP accelerator should be installed                                           |
| OK      | short_open_tag should be disabled in php.ini                                    |
| OK      | magic_quotes_gpc should be disabled in php.ini                                  |
| OK      | register_globals should be disabled in php.ini                                  |
| OK      | session.auto_start should be disabled in php.ini                                |
| OK      | PDO should be installed                                                         |
| OK      | PDO should have some drivers installed (currently available: mysql, sqlite)     |
| OK      | SOAP extension should be installed (API calls)                                  |
| WARNING | Install and enable the Tidy extension.                                          |
| WARNING | Disable Phar extension to reduce the risk of PHP unserialization vulnerability. |
| OK      | IMAP extension should be installed for valid email processing on IMAP sync.     |

I get the following error:

  > Oro\Bundle\EntityConfigBundle\Migration\WarmUpEntityConfigCacheMigration - skipped

In MigrationExecutor.php line 116:

  Failed migrations: Oro\Bundle\ScopeBundle\Migrations\Schema\OroScopeBundleInstaller.

Does anyone else have the same problem or know how I can fix it?



Info by: composer info | grep oro/

oro/calendar-bundle                  4.1.4              Calendar bundle for OroPlatform-based applications.
oro/commerce                         4.1.5              OroCommerce - an open-source Business to Business Commerce application. \nThis package con...
oro/commerce-crm                     4.1.2              OroCRM integration for OroCommerce
oro/crm                              4.1.5              OroCRM
oro/crm-call-bundle                  4.1.4              Oro Call Bundle
oro/crm-dotmailer                    4.1.4              Oro Dotmailer integration
oro/crm-hangouts-call-bundle         4.1.1              Oro Google Hangouts integration
oro/crm-magento-embedded-contact-us  4.1.1              OroCRM Magento Embedded Contact Us package
oro/crm-task-bundle                  4.1.3              Oro Task Bundle
oro/crm-zendesk                      4.1.2              OroCRM Zendesk Integration
oro/customer-portal                  4.1.5
oro/doctrine-extensions              1.2.2              Doctrine Extensions for MySQL and PostgreSQL.
oro/marketing                        4.1.3              Oro Marketing Bundles
oro/oauth2-server                    4.1.3              Oro OAuth 2.0 authorization and resource server for BAP
oro/platform                         4.1.5              Business Application Platform (BAP)
oro/platform-serialised-fields       4.1.1              OroPlatform Serialized Fields
oro/redis-config                     4.1.2              OroRedisConfigBundle
oro/twig-inspector                   1.0.3              Oro Twig Inspector adds the possibility to find twig templates and blocks used for renderi...

There are 1 best solutions below


Officially MariaDB is not supported. We recommend using Mysql 5.7+. For more details see OroCRM system requirements.

Anyway, if you choose to use MariaDB instead of MySQL, you should update to the latest version, because 10.0 is too old and unsupported.