OTP program argumets and warnings

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I've installed OTP using IntelliJ IDEA. I downloaded GTFS and OSM data from Berlin and I create a main configuration to build the graph and the server. Once I run it, it gives me the following warnings:

15:26:18.781 INFO (Graph.java:805) Main graph size: |V|=844791 |E|=1965688 15:26:18.781 INFO (Graph.java:806) Writing graph C:\Users\paula\Desktop\berlindata\Graph.obj ... 15:26:32.793 INFO (Graph.java:844) Graph written. 15:26:32.889 INFO (GraphBuilder.java:171) Graph building took 4,4 minutes. 15:26:32.891 INFO (GraphScanner.java:81) Attempting to automatically register routerIds [route] 15:26:32.891 INFO (GraphScanner.java:82) Graph files will be sought in paths relative to C:\Users\paula\Desktop\berlindata\graphs 15:26:32.893 INFO (GraphService.java:189) Registering new router 'route' 15:26:32.893 WARN (InputStreamGraphSource.java:218) Graph file not found or not openable for routerId 'route': java.io.FileNotFoundException: C:\Users\paula\Desktop\berlindata\graphs\route\Graph.obj (El sistema no puede encontrar la ruta especificada) 15:26:32.893 WARN (InputStreamGraphSource.java:144) Unable to load data for router 'route'. 15:26:32.893 WARN (GraphService.java:198) Can't register router ID 'route', no graph. 15:26:32.909 INFO (GrizzlyServer.java:50) Starting OTP Grizzly server on ports 8080 (HTTP) and 8081 (HTTPS) of interface 15:26:32.909 INFO (GrizzlyServer.java:52) OTP server base path is C:\Users\paula\Desktop\berlindata 15:26:33.994 WARN (PropertiesHelper.java:330) There is no way how to transform value "true" [java.lang.Boolean] to type [java.lang.String]. 15:26:34.088 INFO (NetworkListener.java:750) Started listener bound to [] 15:26:34.151 INFO (NetworkListener.java:750) Started listener bound to [] 15:26:34.151 INFO (HttpServer.java:300) [HttpServer] Started. 15:26:34.151 INFO (GrizzlyServer.java:130) Grizzly server running.

I think my problem is that I'm not writing properly the program arguments. I wrote that:

program arguments

Do you know what I should change?

Thank you


There are 1 best solutions below


When you add the "--router route" parameter to the OpenTripPlanner arguments, once the graphs are built OpenTripPlanner will search for a folder called "route" in the <basePath>\graphs\ folder.

Because you are building the graphs in the basePath folder, you should be able to add the argument "--autoScan" and remove the argument "--router route" and OpenTripPlanner should pick detect the Graph.obj file automatically.

Alternatively, you can move the "Graph.obj" to a folder called <basePath>\graphs\route and keep the arguments as they are. Keep in mind though, every time you run that command it will rebuild the OpenTripPlanner Graph.obj file, but load the graph in the <basePath>\graphs\route folder. I personally run two separate commands: one to build the OpenTripPlanner graph, and another to start the OpenTripPlanner server with the graph created in the previous step.

The OpenTripPlanner documentation should give you some advice, as well as using the "--help" argument into OpenTripPlanner.