Overload resolution with templates and rvalue references

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This overload resolution behavior baffles me:

#include "stdio.h"

template<class T>
class C
    C(T v): m(v) {};
    T m;
    template<class U>
    T f(U &&p)
        printf("rRef called.\n");
        return p;

    template<class U>
    T f(const U &p)
        printf("const Ref called.\n");
        return p;

int main()
    C<int> a(5);
    return 0;


const Ref called.
rRef called.

When debugging in gdb or Visual Studio, both debuggers show int C<int>::f<int &>() called in both cases, but the explicit template resolution resolves to the expected const ref, while the second resolves to a rvalue reference. Why? Why doesn't the compiler even try int C<int>::f<int>() which I thought would be the obvious match? How can a rvalue reference bind to a member value? Isn't a.m a lvalue?


There are 1 best solutions below


When you make the call:


the compiler has to choose between the following candidates:

template<class U>
T f(U && p);       // #1

template<class U>
T f(U const & p);  // #2

For this overload resolution process, first both templates are transformed for the parameter int&.

Substituting U = int & for #1 gives int & &&, which due to reference collapsing, becomes int &.

Similarly, substituting U = int & for #2 gives int & const &, which again due to reference collapsing, becomes int &.

Now, since both overloads match, partial ordering is used to determine which template to call. Now U const & is more specialized than U &&. This is because U && can bind to all the types that U const & can, but the converse is not true.

Hence, since #2 is more specialized, it wins in overload resolution, and gets called.

In this call:


the template parameter is not specified. This means the parameter of #1 is considered to be a forwarding reference, and this matches all types that are passed in, and so #1 gets called.