overloading qt properties

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I've got a property of a custom type.

class foo : public QObject {
    Q_PROPERTY(Custom x READ x WRITE set_x)

    void set_x(Custom &x) { /*whatnot*/}

QJson effectively invokes the following dynamic assignment:

((QObject*)&foo_instance)->setProperty("x", QVariant(QString("something-from-json")))

which returns false, as documented in the Qt:

If the value is not compatible with the property's type, the property is not changed, and false is returned.

How can I shim this into my Custom value? Clearly defining a side-function void set_x(QString) or void set_x(QVariant) cannot possibly work, since the property system would be unaware of this accessor.

Also, where is the type compatibility checked? - the program control never reaches

int foo::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a)

the function generated by the meta-object compiler..

How can I make Custom compatible with these types?


There are 1 best solutions below


It can be useful to read The Property System

Especially Properties and Custom Types part.

If to be brief, all properties save as QVariant.
You need to use Q_DECLARE_METATYPE macro to make your Custom type compatible with Qt properties.
And after that you have to call qRegisterMetaType function to register your type.