Pandoc cross-ref: adding empty line after last section title

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I need to write articles and switch from latex to pandoc (better: I intend to do so). My markdown file looks like this:

bla bla 


# References

Mind, References really is the last line of the file.

I compile like this:

pandoc ../../bibliography/default.yaml  -f markdown-tex_math_dollars -s --bibliography ../../bibliography/bibliography.bib --csl ../../bibliography/harvard-cite-them-right.csl -F pandoc-crossref $f -o $f.pdf

My default yaml file:

geometry: a4paper,verbose,tmargin=2.5cm,bmargin=2.5cm,lmargin=1.5cm,rmargin=1.5cm
inputenc: latin9
indent: true
sectionsDepth: 3
link-citations: true
numberSections: true
linestretch: 1.5
    - \renewcommand{\familydefault}{\rmdefault}
    - \usepackage{lineno}
    - \linenumbers

And what I get in PDF is this:


As you can see, there's an empty line after References.


  1. How can I get rid of this empty line?
  2. How can I remove the numbering from section title References only, leaving the remaining section titles numbered?



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