Parse a pojo into JSON with Jersey

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I'm trying to convert an object into JSON format but it doesn't work (I get a strange stack overflow exception). It works perfectly from object to XML. I have a simple entity class User and another class with a manyToMany relationship.

public class User extends Person {

    @Column(length = 60)
    private String email;

    @Column(name = "PSEUDO", length = 50)
    protected String pseudo;
    @ManyToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY ,targetEntity = Group.class)
    @OrderBy("group_name ASC")
    protected List<ItGroup> groups = new LinkedList<ItGroup>();




the related class

@Table(name = "groups")
public class Group implements ItGroup, Serializable {

    @ManyToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY,mappedBy = "groups",targetEntity = User.class)
    @OrderBy("email ASC")
    private List<ItUser> users = new LinkedList<ItUser>();


I put the @XmlTransient annotations on getters I want to ignore.

Here is a method in my rest service that return an user from his nickname

   // @Produces({"application/xml"})
    public ItUser getUserFromPseudo(@PathParam("nickname") String pseudo){

        ItUser user = this.daoUser.getUserFromPseudo(pseudo);

        return user;

So it works with @Produces({"application/xml"}) not with @Produces({"application/json"})

I'm using Glassfish 5 and the modules are included this way in the parent POM of my application split into different modules. The fact is that I don't even know which implementation of jersey I'm using... I read that moxy was the best and it could read the jaxb annotations.


How can I fix that problem?


There are 1 best solutions below


Maybe your "strange stack overflow exception" is caused by an infinite recursion with Jackson, like in this post. So @JsonIgnore, @JsonManagedReference or @JsonBackReference could be an option for you.