Parsing Double from CSV throws RuntimeException

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I am trying to read the data from CSV file. everything works fine but when i try to read the data for longitude and latitude. it gives me an below error message.

 java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.example.yogi.guestlogix/com.example.yogi.guestlogix.MainActivity}: java.lang.NumberFormatException: Invalid double: "EVE"
 Caused by: java.lang.NumberFormatException: Invalid double: "EVE"**

   //Airports data begin
        InputStream isss = getResources().openRawResource(R.raw.airports);
        BufferedReader readerss = new BufferedReader(
                new InputStreamReader(isss, Charset.forName("UTF-8"))

        String liness = "";
//for airports.csv
        try {
            while ((liness = readerss.readLine()) != null) {
                //split by ',' first
                String[] airport = liness.split(",");

                //Read the data
                AirportsData airdata = new AirportsData();
        } catch (IOException e) {
  "My Activity", "Reading data file error " + liness, e);

        Log.d("Airline", "name is " + AirportsDatas);

public double getAirportlang(double airportlang) {
    return airportlang;

public void setAirportlang(double airportlang) {
    this.airportlang = airportlang;

public double getAirportlat( ) {
    return airportlat;

public void setAirportlat(double airportlat) {
    this.airportlat = airportlat;

public String toString() {
    return "AirportsData{" +
            "airportname='" + airportname + '\'' +
            ", airportcity='" + airportcity + '\'' +
            ", airportcountry='" + airportcountry + '\'' +
            ", airportIATAcode='" + airportIATAcode + '\'' +
            ", airportlang=" + airportlang +
            ", airportlat=" + airportlat +

**Any solution for this problem would be greatly appreciated....


There are 2 best solutions below


I think the problem is that airport[4] & airport[5] might not be the lon and lat of the airport. If these field contain alpha characters [a-z] you will get an numberFormatException. Can you add the the output when you print airport like:


to the question? Than we will be better able to help you


The problem with CSV files is, that users (and other programmers) can pretty much write into the file what they want.

In your case, somebody entered a non-number into a CSV cell where you were expecting a double floating point number. Java correctly complains that this cannot be parsed to double. You have two approaches, to treat such situations:

A) Design by Contract

First, you could resolve that by relying on design by contract. You could have a parseLat method:

public Double parseLat(String[] csvRow) {
   final String lat= csvRow[4];

private void assertIsNumeric(String lat) {
    if(!isNumeric(lat)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Lattitude '" + lat + "' is not numeric");

There are countless options to implement an isNumeric method, some are discussed here. This will still stop the execution, but it will give a clearer message to users.

B) Defensive Design

A second option, is to provide a parseLAttitude method, that replaces non numeric value with null:

public Double parseLattitude(String[] csvRow) {
    final String lattitude = csvRow[4];
    if(!isNumeric(lattitude)) {
        System.out.println("Could not parse lattitude '" + lat + "'");
        return null;
   return Double.parseDouble(lat);