Pass Touch Events through Overlay

5.7k Views Asked by At


I have 2 screens, let us call them A and B.

Screen A is showing the camera image recorded by the back camera of the phone (third party library which i do not have further access to). Screen B has a semi transparent background and some UI elements (e.g. Buttons)

enter image description here


I can not add UI elements to Screen A directly (third party) that's why i'm using react-native-navigation V2 to overlay Screen B via Navigation.showOverlay on top of Screen A.


Both screens need to react to touch events but it seems like the overlay of Screen B blocks these events on Screen A.

enter image description here


Is it somehow possible to pass all touch events down from Screen B (UI with Overlay) to Screen A (Camera Screen which also needs to react to touch events) so that both screens are capable of reacting to user input?

In case someone is interested in the third party component i'm talking about:


There are 4 best solutions below


try prop pointerEvents='box-none' or refer this issue


Instead of using react-native-navigation showOverlay, use can use

<View style={{flex: 1}}>
  <ScreenA />
  <View style={{position: "absolute", height: screenHeight, width: screenWidth}} pointerEvents={'box-none'}>
    <ScreenB />

When showing the Navigation overlay, you can use its options to control touch interception. Try to configure it like so, and notice the interceptTouchOutside overlay option:

  component: {
    id: 'myComponent',
    name: 'myComponent',
    options: {
      layout: {
        backgroundColor: 'transparent',
        componentBackgroundColor: 'transparent'
      overlay: {
        interceptTouchOutside: false

If you're rendering a full screen, you might also need to set its topmost view pointerEvents prop (on myComponent in the example above).


Perhaps you could use a button/touchable opacity to open the camera screen using a function (to bring it into focus..) This way both screens could receive user inputs.

The function to open the other screen as a new instance would probably be the best bet at both screens reacting to user input independently.

The code below is sample code that could be put in such a button/touchable opacity on the UI screen.

e.g <Button onPress = { this.fnOpenCamera } title = 'Camera View'/>

fnOpenCamera = () =>
