I have a method that gives me an array with the ARGB parts of the color I need to paint into a canvas gradient. But as far as I know this gradient only accepts hexadecimal number representing colors. So I did a function based on the info I found here.
This is the function:
public static long getIntegerHexFromARGB(int a, int r, int g, int b){
String hex = String.format("#%02x%02x%02x%02x", a, r, g, b);
return Long.parseLong(hex,16);
And this is how I call it:
long rgba_outter_circle = FormulaHelpers.getIntegerHexFromARGB(argbCircleColor[0], argbCircleColor[1], argbCircleColor[2], argbCircleColor[3]);
My problem is that this code is inside a custom view I´m doing for including it inside a layout, and the Android Studio layout editor claims about this:
java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "#64FF0000"
at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(NumberFormatException.java:65)
at java.lang.Long.parseLong(Long.java:430)
at java.lang.Long.valueOf(Long.java:513)
at math.FormulaHelpers.getIntegerHexFromARGB(FormulaHelpers.java:41)
at framework.joystickController.JoystickButtonView.onMeasure(JoystickButtonView.java:177)
at android.view.View.measure(View.java:17430)
... and much more
The line it claims is FormulaHelpers:41, that is:
return Long.parseLong(hex,16);
Can somebody see what I´m doing wrong? I can't find the problem anywhere Sorry for my english
Correct hex number in Java starts with '0x', not with '#'. Your number should be "0x64FF0000", and the format should be "0x%02x%02x%02x%02x". You can also create an int using formula:
This method should work as well: