paster quickstart not an option

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I am just installing TurboGears2 on Windows 7 running a virtual environment (python 2.7). I am not seeing the paster quickstart option when I run

paster --help

Instead, here's that output:

(VirtualEnv_1) C:\VirtualEnv_1\Scripts>paster --help
Usage: [paster_options] COMMAND [command_options]

  --version         show program's version number and exit
  --plugin=PLUGINS  Add a plugin to the list of commands (plugins are Egg
                    specs; will also require() the Egg)
-h, --help        Show this help message

 create       Create the file layout for a Python distribution
 help         Display help
 make-config  Install a package and create a fresh config file/directory
 points       Show information about entry points
 post         Run a request for the described application
 request      Run a request for the described application
 serve        Serve the described application
 setup-app    Setup an application, given a config file

 tginfo       Show TurboGears 2 related projects and their versions

So, it's no surprise that when I run :

(VirtualEnv_1) C:\VirtualEnv_1\Scripts>paster quickstart

I get:

Command 'quickstart' not known (you may need to run egg_info)
Known commands:
  create       Create the file layout for a Python distribution
  exe          Run #! executable files
  help         Display help
  make-config  Install a package and create a fresh config file/directory
  points       Show information about entry points
  post         Run a request for the described application
  request      Run a request for the described application
  serve        Serve the described application
  setup-app    Setup an application, given a config file
  tginfo       Show TurboGears 2 related projects and their versions

My questions: Why is it missing, and how do I get it?


There are 1 best solutions below


You get into this situation when you've installed the package required to run a TurboGears app (TurboGears2), but not the one required to develop a TurboGears app (tg.devtools).

Running the following command while in your virtualenv should install the correct package:

easy_install -i tg.devtools