PDDL forall with when condition in durative-action

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This question builds on a previous question about forall clauses. I would like to limit the forall with a 'when' statement as shown below:

(:durative-action finish
  :parameters (?r - robot ?p - part)
  :duration ( = ?duration 1)
  :condition (and
      (at start (robot_free ?r))
      (at start (forall (?f - fastener_loc)
                    when (part_fastener ?p ?f)
                     (loc_not_fastened ?f)
  :effect (and
      (at start(not (robot_free ?r)))
      (at end (part_free ?p))
      (at end (robot_free ?r))

This works without the 'when' statement. When I include the 'when' statement, I receive several errors:

Error: Syntax error in durative-action declaration.
Error: Unreadable structure
Error: Syntax error in domain

Thanks in advance for any help.


There are 3 best solutions below


The when clause needs to be wrapped in (brackets)


I was able to get this to work with an imply statement.

(:durative-action finish
  :parameters (?r - robot ?p - part)
  :duration ( = ?duration 1)
  :condition (and
      (at start (robot_free ?r))
      (at start (forall (?f - fastener_loc)
                    (imply (part_fastener ?p ?f)(loc_not_fastened ?f))
  :effect (and
      (at start(not (robot_free ?r)))
      (at end (part_free ?p))
      (at end (robot_free ?r))

Not sure if this could also work the the when syntax.


The when keyword is restricted to conditional effects. You can see the definition in the PDDL3.1 BNF.

Be a bit careful when combining forall with imply, because it could lead to a nasty combinatorial explosion. Keep in mind that imply typically gets flattened (Negation Normal Form) to a disjunction. So in your case it would become:

(or (not (part_fastener ?p ?f)) (loc_not_fastened ?f))

Which planners typically split into two separate actions (to remove disjunctions), one with (not (part_fastener ?p ?f)) as its precondition, and one with (loc_not_fastened ?f).

The forall then explodes this to all pairwise combinations of the disjunction, to ground it to all instances of fastener_loc, combined with all grounded combinations of robot and part action parameters (to generate the grounded actions themselves).

If you only have a few objects of each type I guess you should be OK.