PdfSharp System.NotImplementedException: Cannot create value for key: /Info

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I have written an app in C# with Visual Studio using PdfSharp & MigraDoc. This works fine. When I build the app as standalone exe then the app will crash when I will calculate the text with with the method MeasureString. The Exception which I will become is System.NotImplementedException: Cannot create value for key: /Info I will only get this error when the app is a standalone exe. When I compile it as not a standalone exe then it works.

I have googled it but only find this link here on GitHub: https://github.com/ststeiger/PdfSharpCore/issues/120 They are using Unity and not Visual Studio. And I don't know where to place this files which they have added. Does somebody know how to solve my problem? If nothing works, then I have to use the complete folder with the dll's inside instead of a standalone exe.

The traceback:

System.NotImplementedException: Cannot create value for key: /Info
   at PdfSharp.Pdf.PdfDictionary.DictionaryElements.GetValue(String, VCF)
   at PdfSharp.Pdf.Advanced.PdfTrailer.get_Info()
   at PdfSharp.Pdf.PdfDocument.get_Info()
   at PdfSharp.Pdf.PdfDocument..ctor()
   at PDFVerificationProtocol.PDFCreator.CalculateRequiredColumnWidth(String) in Z:\PDF-Prüfprotokoll_Test\PDFVerificationProtocol\PDFVerificationProtocol\PDFCreator.cs:line 381
   at PDFVerificationProtocol.PDFCreator.AddPSetTable(Section) in Z:\PDF-Prüfprotokoll_Test\PDFVerificationProtocol\PDFVerificationProtocol\PDFCreator.cs:line 229
   at PDFVerificationProtocol.PDFCreator.Run() in Z:\PDF-Prüfprotokoll_Test\PDFVerificationProtocol\PDFVerificationProtocol\PDFCreator.cs:line 54
   at PDFVerificationProtocol.Program.RunProgram() in Z:\PDF-Prüfprotokoll_Test\PDFVerificationProtocol\PDFVerificationProtocol\Program.cs:line 34
   at PDFVerificationProtocol.Program.Main(String[]) in Z:\PDF-Prüfprotokoll_Test\PDFVerificationProtocol\PDFVerificationProtocol\Program.cs:line 11

In this method occurs the problem:

private double CalculateRequiredColumnWidth(string text)
            // Use the global style font settings
            XFont font = new XFont(globalStyle.Font.Name, globalStyle.Font.Size);

            // Dummy
            PdfDocument document = new PdfDocument();
            XGraphics gfx = XGraphics.FromPdfPage(document.Pages[0]);

            // Measure the width of the text using XGraphics
            XSize textSize = gfx.MeasureString(text, font);

            // Calculate the required width including padding
            double requiredWidth = textSize.Width + (2 * cellPadding);

            return requiredWidth;

There are 1 best solutions below


I can confirm that, as the author of the question already mentioned, <TrimMode>partial</TrimMode> in the .csproj file under <PropertyGroup> indeed is sufficient to resolve this issue. In my specific scenario, the relevant portion of the .csproj file appears as follows:

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">



Alternatively, you can uncheck the "Trim unsued code" option in the Publish dialog. However, in this case, the .exe file will be relatively large.