Pester 5.50 Test scoping each block

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param (
    $ParameterPath = "Approved-rule.json"

# BeforeDiscovery {
#     ## Store the data from the json file to be re-used
#     $parameterFile = Get-Content $ParameterPath  
# }

Describe "Rules validation (Base)" -Tag "CI" {
    BeforeAll {
        $parameterFile = Get-Content $ParameterPath 
        $incommingParamObject = $parameterFile.Parameters
        $rules = $parameterFile.Parameters.Test.value
    Context "Validate for Parameter" {

        It "File should not be null or empty" {
            Write-Host "rule: $($rules)"
            $rules | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty


When i am running the pester script the rule is coming as empty value. How does the scoping in pester works does the BeforeAll block be a global or i should add BeforeDiscovery?

Another question where should I add a Inline function ?

When running the above pester code all the variables are getting printed null. The file exists with correct path.


To resolve this issue, you should define your functions in the appropriate block based on where you need to use them. If you need to use a function/varaible in an It block, you should define it in a BeforeAll block. If you need to use a function in a Describe or Context block, you should define it in a BeforeDiscovery block.


There are 1 best solutions below


You have a typo in your It statement, should be $rules instead of $rule and you're missing ConvertFrom-Json in your BeforeAll block, then your code should work fine.

Using this Json as an example:

  • Approved-rule.json
  "Parameters": {
    "Test": {
      "value" : [

And the Pester test code:

param (
    $ParameterPath = 'Approved-rule.json'

Describe 'Rules validation (Base)' -Tag 'CI' {
    BeforeAll {
        $parameterFile = Get-Content $ParameterPath | ConvertFrom-Json
        $incommingParamObject = $parameterFile.Parameters
        $rules = $parameterFile.Parameters.Test.value
    Context 'Validate for Parameter' {
        It 'File should not be null or empty' {
            Write-Host "rule: $($rules)"
            $rules | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty

When running you can get:

Starting discovery in 1 files.
Discovery found 1 tests in 75ms.
Running tests.
rule: foo bar baz
[+] C:\Users\User\Documents\pwsh\Pester.test.ps1 240ms (65ms|103ms)
Tests completed in 250ms
Tests Passed: 1, Failed: 0, Skipped: 0 NotRun: 0