Pester for Connect-NetScaler

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Hey guys having trouble writing pester for this function. The function is down below. Here is a link of the code if you prefer looking on here.

Describe 'Connect-NetScaler' {
            $Credential = New-Object PSCredential('username', (ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force 'password'))
            Context 'Successful Connection' {
                Mock Add-Member {
                    return @{
                        Endpoint = ''
                        Scheme   = 'http'
                Mock New-Object {
                    return @{
                Mock ConvertTo-Json -ParameterFilter {
                    $InputObject -eq $Credential
                Mock 'Invoke-RestMethod' {
                 #   $Uri | Should -BeExactly "fakename/config/login"
                   # $Credential | Should -BeOfType PSCredential
                    return [PSCustomObject]@{
                        severity = 'NONE'
                } -Verifiable
                It 'Should be able to connect'{
                    $result= Connect-NetScaler -IPAddress '' -Credential $Credential
                    $result | Should -Be "Response:`n"

            Context 'UnSuccessful Connection' {
                Mock Add-Member {
                    return @{
                        Endpoint = ''
                        Scheme   = 'http'
                Mock New-Object {
                    return @{
                Mock ConvertTo-Json -ParameterFilter {
                    $InputObject -eq $Credential
                Mock 'Invoke-RestMethod' {
                 #   $Uri | Should -BeExactly "fakename/config/login"
                   # $Credential | Should -BeOfType PSCredential
                    return [PSCustomObject]@{
                        severity = 'ERROR'
                } -Verifiable
                It 'Should be able to connect'{
                    $result= Connect-NetScaler -IPAddress '' -Credential $Credential
                    $result | Should -Throw "Error. See response: `n"

This is the code for the function. I am a beginner to pester so been having trouble figuring this out. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


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