Petri net encoding into PDDL

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I am a beginner in PDDL. I am trying to write a domain file for Petri net with a fire transaction function.

(define (domain newpetri)
    (:requirements :strips :typing :fluents)
    (:types place transition)

        (incoming ?p - place ?t - transition)
        (outgoing ?t - transition ?p - place)


    (number-of-tokens ?p)

    (:action fire-transition
        :parameters (?t - transition)
            (?p - place)
            (or (not (incoming ?p ?t))
                (> (number-of-tokens ?p) 0)))
            (?p - place)
                (incoming ?p ?t)
                (decrease (number-of-tokens ?p))))
            (?p - place)
                (outgoing ?t ?p)
                (increase (number-of-tokens ?p))))

it gives me an error in the following part:

            (?p - place)
            (or (not (incoming ?p ?t))
                (> (number-of-tokens ?p) 0)))

should I define the place and the transition in predicate?? Thanks.

I already wrote a domain and problem

(define (domain petri)
    (:requirements :strips :typing :fluents)
        token place
        (at ?v - token ?p - place)
        (connected ?v - token ?p1 ?p2 - place)
        (initial-token ?v - token)
        (required-token ?p1 ?p2 - place)
    (:action move
        :parameters (?v - token ?from ?to - place)
        :precondition (and (at ?v ?from)
            (connected ?v ?from ?to)
            (>= (initial-token ?v) (required-token ?from ?to)))
        :effect (and (not (at ?v ?from))
            (at ?v ?to)
                (initial-token ?v)
                (required-token ?from ?to))
                (required-token ?from ?to))



(define (problem petriproblem)
    (:domain petri)
        token - token
        spring summer fall winter - place

        (at token spring)
        (= (initial-token token) 3)
        (connected token spring summer)
        (connected token summer fall)
        (connected token fall winter)
        (connected token winter spring)

        (= (required-token spring summer) 1)
        (= (required-token summer fall) 1)
        (= (required-token fall winter) 1)

        (= (total-tokens-used) 0)

        (at token winter)
    (:metric minimize

I am trying to use the same logic, by replacing the total-tokens-used with number-of-tokens and comparing the number-of-tokens between the incoming and outgoing transitions to determine whether the fire transition condition is valid or not. but I didn't know exactly how to do that.


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