PHAsset to UIImage

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I'm attempting to create a UIImage (like a thumbnail or something) from a PHAsset so that I can pass it into something that takes a UIImage. I've tried adapting solutions I found on SO (since they all just directly pass it into say a tableview or something), but I have no success (likely because I'm not doing it right).

func getAssetThumbnail(asset: PHAsset) -> UIImage {
    var retimage = UIImage()
    let manager = PHImageManager.defaultManager()
    manager.requestImageForAsset(asset, targetSize: CGSize(width: 100.0, height: 100.0), contentMode: .AspectFit, options: nil, resultHandler: {(result, info)->Void in
            retimage = result
    return retimage

The printlns are telling me that the manager.request line isn't doing anything right now. How do I get it to give me the asset as a UIImage.



There are 11 best solutions below


This did what I needed it to do, in case anyone also needs this.

func getAssetThumbnail(asset: PHAsset) -> UIImage {
    let manager = PHImageManager.defaultManager()
    let option = PHImageRequestOptions()
    var thumbnail = UIImage()
    option.synchronous = true
    manager.requestImageForAsset(asset, targetSize: CGSize(width: 100.0, height: 100.0), contentMode: .AspectFit, options: option, resultHandler: {(result, info)->Void in
            thumbnail = result!
    return thumbnail

Edit: Swift 3 update

func getAssetThumbnail(asset: PHAsset) -> UIImage {
    let manager = PHImageManager.default()
    let option = PHImageRequestOptions()
    var thumbnail = UIImage()
    option.isSynchronous = true
    manager.requestImage(for: asset, targetSize: CGSize(width: 100, height: 100), contentMode: .aspectFit, options: option, resultHandler: {(result, info)->Void in
        thumbnail = result!
    return thumbnail

The problem is that requestImageForAsset is a resultHandler and this block of code happens in the future after your functions has already printed and returned the value you was expecting. I did come changes to show you this happening and also suggest some simple solutions.

func getAssetThumbnail(asset: PHAsset) {
    var retimage = UIImage()
    let manager = PHImageManager.defaultManager()
    manager.requestImageForAsset(asset, targetSize: CGSize(width: 100.0, height: 100.0), contentMode: .AspectFit, options: nil, resultHandler: {
    (result, info)->Void in
            retimage = result
      println("This happens after")
      callReturnImage(retimage) // <- create this method
    println("This happens before")

Learn more about closures and completion handle and async funcs at Apple documentation

I hope that helps you!


Simple Solution (Swift 4.2)

Method 1:

extension PHAsset {

    var image : UIImage {
        var thumbnail = UIImage()
        let imageManager = PHCachingImageManager()
        imageManager.requestImage(for: self, targetSize: CGSize(width: 100, height: 100), contentMode: .aspectFit, options: nil, resultHandler: { image, _ in
            thumbnail = image!
        return thumbnail

let image = asset.image 

Use this method if you only need UIImage from PHAsset.


extension PHAsset {
    func image(targetSize: CGSize, contentMode: PHImageContentMode, options: PHImageRequestOptions?) -> UIImage {
        var thumbnail = UIImage()
        let imageManager = PHCachingImageManager()
        imageManager.requestImage(for: self, targetSize: targetSize, contentMode: contentMode, options: options, resultHandler: { image, _ in
            thumbnail = image!
        return thumbnail

let image = asset.image(targetSize: CGSize, contentMode: PHImageContentMode, options: PHImageRequestOptions?)

Use this method for your desired UIImage.


extension PHAsset {

    func image(completionHandler: @escaping (UIImage) -> ()){
        var thumbnail = UIImage()
        let imageManager = PHCachingImageManager()
        imageManager.requestImage(for: self, targetSize: CGSize(width: 100, height: 100), contentMode: .aspectFit, options: nil, resultHandler: { img, _ in
            thumbnail = img!

let image = asset.image(completionHandler: {(img) in

Use this method for notify after completion.

Method 2:

extension PHAsset {
    var data : (UIImage, [AnyHashable : Any]) {
        var img = UIImage(); var information = [AnyHashable : Any](); let imageManager = PHCachingImageManager()
        imageManager.requestImage(for: self, targetSize: CGSize(width: 100, height: 100), contentMode: .aspectFit, options: nil, resultHandler: { image,info in
            img = image!
            information = info!
        return (img,information)

let image_withData : (UIImage, [AnyHashable : Any]) =

Use this method if you want UIImage And Result Info of PHAsset


extension PHAsset {

    func data(targetSize: CGSize, contentMode: PHImageContentMode, options: PHImageRequestOptions?) -> (UIImage, [AnyHashable : Any]) {
        var img = UIImage(); var information = [AnyHashable : Any](); let imageManager = PHCachingImageManager()
        imageManager.requestImage(for: self, targetSize: targetSize, contentMode: contentMode, options: options, resultHandler: { image,info in
            img = image!
            information = info!
        return (img,information)

let data = asset?.data(targetSize: CGSize, contentMode: PHImageContentMode, options: PHImageRequestOptions?)

Use this method for your desired Data.


Swift 5

extension PHAsset {
func getAssetThumbnail() -> UIImage {
    let manager = PHImageManager.default()
    let option = PHImageRequestOptions()
    var thumbnail = UIImage()
    option.isSynchronous = true
    manager.requestImage(for: self,
                         targetSize: CGSize(width: self.pixelWidth, height: self.pixelHeight),
                         contentMode: .aspectFit,
                         options: option,
                         resultHandler: {(result, info) -> Void in
                            thumbnail = result!
    return thumbnail

I have a different solution which worked really nicely when I wanted to get the memory down in my collectionView:

First I get the URL from the asset:

 func getImageUrlFrom(asset: PHAsset, completion: @escaping ((URL?)->())) {
        asset.requestContentEditingInput(with: nil, completionHandler: { (input, info) in
            if let input = input {

Then, instead of requesting an image, I downSample it and make it memory efficient for the size of the image:

func downsample(imageAt imageURL: URL?,
                    to pointSize: CGSize,
                    scale: CGFloat = UIScreen.main.scale) -> UIImage? {
        guard let imageURL = imageURL else { return nil }

        // Create an CGImageSource that represent an image
        let imageSourceOptions = [kCGImageSourceShouldCache: false] as CFDictionary
        guard let imageSource = CGImageSourceCreateWithURL(imageURL as CFURL, imageSourceOptions) else {
            return nil
        // Calculate the desired dimension
        let maxDimensionInPixels = max(pointSize.width, pointSize.height) * scale
        // Perform downsampling
        let downsampleOptions = [
            kCGImageSourceCreateThumbnailFromImageAlways: true,
            kCGImageSourceShouldCacheImmediately: true,
            kCGImageSourceCreateThumbnailWithTransform: true,
            kCGImageSourceThumbnailMaxPixelSize: maxDimensionInPixels
        ] as CFDictionary
        guard let downsampledImage = CGImageSourceCreateThumbnailAtIndex(imageSource, 0, downsampleOptions) else {
            return nil
        // Return the downsampled image as UIImage
        return UIImage(cgImage: downsampledImage)

Since I can't use PHCachingImageManager, I just use NSCache and the localIdentifier of the asset as the reference for caching.

And remember to use .userInitiated).async { } when you call both methods.


Swift 4.

resizeMode,deliveryMode - These can be set according to user requirement.

isNetworkAccessAllowed - set this to "true" for fetching images from the cloud

imageSize- required image size

func getImageFromAsset(asset:PHAsset,imageSize:CGSize, callback:@escaping (_ result:UIImage) -> Void) -> Void{

    let requestOptions = PHImageRequestOptions()
    requestOptions.resizeMode =
    requestOptions.deliveryMode = PHImageRequestOptionsDeliveryMode.highQualityFormat
    requestOptions.isNetworkAccessAllowed = true
    requestOptions.isSynchronous = true
    PHImageManager.default().requestImage(for: asset, targetSize: imageSize, contentMode: PHImageContentMode.default, options: requestOptions, resultHandler: { (currentImage, info) in

try this it works for me, hope it helps you too,

func getUIImage(asset: PHAsset) -> UIImage? {

    var img: UIImage?
    let manager = PHImageManager.default()
    let options = PHImageRequestOptions()
    options.version = .original
    options.isSynchronous = true
    manager.requestImageData(for: asset, options: options) { data, _, _, _ in

        if let data = data {
            img = UIImage(data: data)
    return img

Swift 5 working function

func getImageForAsset(asset: PHAsset) -> UIImage {
        let manager = PHImageManager.default
        let option = PHImageRequestOptions()
        var thumbnail = UIImage()
        option.isSynchronous = true
        manager().requestImage(for: asset, targetSize: CGSize(width: 100.0, height: 100.0), contentMode: .aspectFit, options: nil, resultHandler: {(result, info) -> Void in
                thumbnail = result!
        return thumbnail

For Swift 3.0.1:

func getAssetThumbnail(asset: PHAsset, size: CGFloat) -> UIImage {
    let retinaScale = UIScreen.main.scale
    let retinaSquare = CGSize(width: size * retinaScale, height: size * retinaScale)//(size * retinaScale, size * retinaScale)
    let cropSizeLength = min(asset.pixelWidth, asset.pixelHeight)
    let square = CGRect(x:0, y: 0,width: CGFloat(cropSizeLength),height: CGFloat(cropSizeLength))
    let cropRect = square.applying(CGAffineTransform(scaleX: 1.0/CGFloat(asset.pixelWidth), y: 1.0/CGFloat(asset.pixelHeight)))

    let manager = PHImageManager.default()
    let options = PHImageRequestOptions()
    var thumbnail = UIImage()

    options.isSynchronous = true
    options.deliveryMode = .highQualityFormat
    options.resizeMode = .exact
    options.normalizedCropRect = cropRect

    manager.requestImage(for: asset, targetSize: retinaSquare, contentMode: .aspectFit, options: options, resultHandler: {(result, info)->Void in
        thumbnail = result!
    return thumbnail

Resource :


Objective-c version of code based on dcheng answer.

-(UIImage *)getAssetThumbnail:(PHAsset * )asset {

    PHImageRequestOptions *options = [[PHImageRequestOptions alloc]init];
    options.synchronous = true;

    __block UIImage *image;
    [PHCachingImageManager.defaultManager requestImageForAsset:asset targetSize:CGSizeMake(100, 100) contentMode:PHImageContentModeAspectFit options:options resultHandler:^(UIImage * _Nullable result, NSDictionary * _Nullable info) {
        image = result;
    return image;

I'd suggest using Apple's PHCachingImageManager (that inherits from PHImageManager):

A PHCachingImageManager object fetches or generates image data for photo or video assets

Also, PHCachingImageManager support a better caching mechanism.

Example of fetching a thumbnail synchronous:

let options = PHImageRequestOptions()
options.deliveryMode = .HighQualityFormat
options.synchronous = true // Set it to false for async callback

let imageManager = PHCachingImageManager()
                                  targetSize: CGSizeMake(CGFloat(160), CGFloat(160)),
                                  contentMode: .AspectFill,
                                  options: options,
                                  resultHandler: { (resultThumbnail : UIImage?, info : [NSObject : AnyObject]?) in

                                                   // Assign your thumbnail which is the *resultThumbnail*

In addition, you can use PHCachingImageManager to cache your images for faster UI response:

To use a caching image manager:

  1. Create a PHCachingImageManager instance. (This step replaces using the shared PHImageManager instance.)

  2. Use PHAsset class methods to fetch the assets you’re interested in.

  3. To prepare images for those assets, call the startCachingImagesForAssets:targetSize:contentMode:options: method with the target size, content mode, and options you plan to use when later requesting images for each individual asset.

  4. When you need an image for an individual asset, call the requestImageForAsset:targetSize:contentMode:options:resultHandler: method, and pass the same parameters you used when preparing that asset.

If the image you request is among those already prepared, the PHCachingImageManager object immediately returns that image. Otherwise, Photos prepares the image on demand and caches it for later use.

In our example:

var phAssetArray : [PHAsset] = []

for i in 0..<assets.count
  phAssetArray.append(assets[i] as! PHAsset)

let options = PHImageRequestOptions()
options.deliveryMode = .Opportunistic
options.synchronous = false

                                              targetSize: CGSizeMake(CGFloat(160), CGFloat(160)),
                                              contentMode: .AspectFill,
                                              options: options)