PHP CLI: Possible to set a $_SERVER Variable that's an Array?

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When running PHP from the command line in bash, is it possible to set a $_SERVER variable that it, itself, an array?

That is, if I do something like this

$ export test=foo

and then run a program like this

#File: test.php

the program will output the string value "foo". Is it possible to have $_SERVER['test'] be equal to a PHP array without extra PHP code?

The specific problem I'm trying to solve is I have a Symfony CLI based program I can't modify, and this program uses the $_SERVER variables to bootstrap its enviornment.

use Magento\Framework\App\Bootstrap;
use Magento\Framework\Shell\ComplexParameter;
$bootstrapParam = new ComplexParameter(self::INPUT_KEY_BOOTSTRAP);
$params = $bootstrapParam->mergeFromArgv($_SERVER, $_SERVER);
$params[Bootstrap::PARAM_REQUIRE_MAINTENANCE] = null;
$bootstrap = Bootstrap::create(BP, $params);

The Bootstrap::create(BP, $params); recognizes some nested keys in $params -- I'm trying to find a way to change those values without modifying the CLI program itself.


There are 2 best solutions below


mergeFromArgv does not use whole $_SERVER array, but only $_SERVER['argv'] part of it, which is basically command line arguments as scalars.

The arguments seems to be parsed with parse_str then, so you should be able to pass a php array a as following:

php yourscript.php a[]=1\&a[]=2\&a[b]=anything

You may need to quote the string or escape characters depending on your shell.


you can set any server variable via .htaccess file or apache .conf file, you can do it using mod_env

SetEnv MY_EXAMPLE myexample_data

Then you can access that variable in php file

echo $_SERVER["MY_EXAMPLE"]; //outputs myexample_data

or while using PHP CLI you can set $_SERVER variable using followings
