PHP equivalent of JavaScript bind

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First excuse my english I'm not a native speaker and sorry if it looks rough, this is the first time that I post on this site. My problem is quite simple I think. Let's say, we have :

class A {

    function foo() {

        function bar ($arg){
            echo $this->baz, $arg;

        bar("world !");


    protected $baz = "Hello ";


$qux = new A;


In this example, "$this" obviously doesn't refer to my object "$qux".

How should I do to make it reffer to "$qux"?

As might be in JavaScript : bar.bind(this, "world !")


There are 4 best solutions below


PHP doesn't have nested functions, so in your example bar is essentially global. You can achieve what you want by using closures (=anonymous functions), which support binding as of PHP 5.4:

class A {
    function foo() {
        $bar = function($arg) {
            echo $this->baz, $arg;
        $bar("world !");
    protected $baz = "Hello ";

$qux = new A;

UPD: however, bindTo($this) doesn't make much sense, because closures automatically inherit this from the context (again, in 5.4). So your example can be simply:

    function foo() {
        $bar = function($arg) {
            echo $this->baz, $arg;
        $bar("world !");

UPD2: for php 5.3- this seems to be only possible with an ugly hack like this:

class A {
    function foo() {
        $me = (object) get_object_vars($this);
        $bar = function($arg) use($me) {
            echo $me->baz, $arg;
        $bar("world !");
    protected $baz = "Hello ";

Here get_object_vars() is used to "publish" protected/private properties to make them accessible within the closure.


it is a little strange to to it this way, but if you use a function inside of a function, then of course some closuers are in effect. you can have a similar problem in javascript. I would suggest not to use them at all, but if for some reason you do not want to, then i would try sth like this (not tested):

class A {

    function foo() {

        $that = $this;
        function bar ($arg){
            echo $that->baz, $arg;

        bar("world !");


    protected $baz = "Hello ";


$qux = new A;


UPDATE if the nested function acts as a global function, then you coud pass your object as a parameter if you need to use it:

function foo() {

        function bar ($o,$arg){
            echo $o->baz, $arg;

        bar($this,"world !");


Actually, $this does refer to $qux when called in that context.

You can't use $this in contexts other than an object method, so if you took something like this:

function test() {
    echo $this->baz;

It wouldn't work, no matter what you do.


If I understand what you're trying to achieve, it could be like this:

class Foo {

  public $prop;

  public function __construct($prop) {
    $this->prop = $prop;

  public function __call($name, $arguments) {
    if (!isset($this->$name)) {
      throw new InvalidArgumentException("No such property: $name");

    if (! $this->{$name} instanceof Closure) {
      throw new InvalidArgumentException("{$name} is not a closure");

    $c = $this->{$name}->bindTo($this);
    return $c(...$arguments);

$f = new Foo("bar");
$f->bar = function ($arg) {
  print_r([$arg, $this->prop]);


That way you can essentially monkey-patch any function in a class and call it as if it was local, even including use of $this. Two limitations, however:

  • this seems pointless since Traits are available, except if you are doing adding really dynamically defined on a non-modifiable package
  • although the closure can access properties on $this it is still external to the object, so can only access public properties. Trying to access protected/private properties will fail.