Php Imagine get Image's width and height

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On a personal project I need to get from an object that Implements a ImageInterface (the image) the width and height using the php Imagine library (

The specific problem that I need to solve is to resize an Image in a way that the resized image maintains the original Aspect Ratio as you can see in the following class:

namespace PcMagas\AppImageBundle\Filters\Resize;

use PcMagas\AppImageBundle\Filters\AbstractFilter;
use Imagine\Image\ImageInterface;
use PcMagas\AppImageBundle\Filters\ParamInterface;
use PcMagas\AppImageBundle\Exceptions\IncorectImageProssesingParamsException;

class ResizeToLimitsKeepintAspectRatio extends AbstractFilter
    public function apply(ImageInterface $image, ParamInterface $p) 
         * @var ResizeParams $p
        if(! $p instanceof ResizeParams){
            throw new IncorectImageProssesingParamsException(ResizeParams::class);

         * @var float $imageAspectRatio


     * @param ImageInterface $image
     * @return float
    private function calculateImageAspectRatio(ImageInterface $image)
        //Calculate the Image's Aspect Ratio

But how can I get the image's width and height?

All the solutions I found are using directly the gd, imagick etc etc library such as: Get image height and width PHP and not the Imagine one.


There are 2 best solutions below


You can use the getSize() method for that:

 * @param ImageInterface $image
 * @return float
private function calculateImageAspectRatio(ImageInterface $image)
    //Calculate the Image's Aspect Ratio
    $size = $image->getSize(); // returns a BoxInterface

    $width = $size->getWidth();
    $height = $size->getHeight();

    return $width / $height; // or $height / $width, depending on your usage

Although, if you want to resize with aspect ratio, you can also use the scale() method for the BoxInterface to get the new measurements without having to calculate that yourself:

$size = $image->getSize();

$width = $size->getWidth();    // 640
$height = $size->getHeight();  // 480

$size->scale(1.25); // increase 25%

$width = $size->getWidth();    // 800
$height = $size->getHeight();  // 600

// or, as a quick example to scale an image up by 25% immediately:

You can scale a image and keep its dimension by using the Inset mode on the thumbnail function:

$size = new Imagine\Image\Box(40, 40);

$mode = Imagine\Image\ImageInterface::THUMBNAIL_INSET;

    ->thumbnail($size, $mode)