picturebox.Scale, picturebox.Line in vb.net

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I have the following Sub function I need to convert from Vb6 to Vb.net.

The .Scale() & .Line() methods aren't supported anymore and I am brand new to the VB language so I am having a hard time doing so.

Public Sub DrawMap(picMap As PictureBox, ByVal x1%, ByVal x2%, ByVal y1%, ByVal y2%)
    Dim i&, temp, lColor As Long
    picMap.Scale (x1 - 5, y2 + 5)-(x2 + 5, y1 - 5)
    frmMain.picFirst.Scale (x1st - 4, y1st + 4)-(x1st + 4, y1st - 4)
    For i = LBound(arrDrawDie) To UBound(arrDrawDie)
      temp = Split(CStr(arrDrawDie(i)), gDelim)
      If temp(UBound(temp)) = 0 Then lColor = &HC0FFC0 Else If temp(UBound(temp)) = -2 Then lColor = &H8000000A Else lColor = &H8080FF
      picMap.Line (temp(0) - 0.4, temp(1) - 0.4)-(temp(0) + 0.4, temp(1) + 0.4), lColor, BF
      If temp(0) > x1st - 4 And temp(1) > y1st - 4 And temp(0) < x1st + 4 And temp(1) < y1st + 4 Then
        frmMain.picFirst.Line (temp(0) - 0.4, temp(1) - 0.4)-(temp(0) + 0.4, temp(1) + 0.4), &HC0FFC0, BF
      End If
    Next i
    picMap.Picture = picMap.Image
    picMap.Line (x1st - 0.4, y1st - 0.4)-(x1st + 0.4, y1st + 0.4), vbBlue, BF
    frmMain.picFirst.Line (x1st - 0.4, y1st - 0.4)-(x1st + 0.4, y1st + 0.4), vbBlue, BF
    frmMain.lblFirst.Caption = "X: " + Format(x1st, "000") + "  Y: " + Format(y1st, "000")
End Sub

What tools or methods can I use in vb.net to get similar or exact results like in the vb6 code.


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