Placing other Kendo widgets inside Content of Window for ASP.NET MVC

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Is it possible to use razor syntax to add kendo widgets inside of the Content of a Kendo Window?

Here is an example of what I am trying to do but the kendo widgets aren't loading properly:

    <div id="window1"></div>

          .Title("Additional Settings")
          .Actions(actions => actions.Minimize().Maximize().Close())
    <label asp-for="ProductId"></label>
                      .BindTo(new List<SelectListItem>() {
                          new SelectListItem() {
                              Text = "Prod 1",
                              Value = "1"
                          new SelectListItem() {
                              Text = "Prod 2",
                              Value = "2"
                          new SelectListItem() {
                              Text = "Prod 3",
                              Value = "3"
                          new SelectListItem() {
                              Text = "Prod 4",
                              Value = "4"
                      .HtmlAttributes(new { style = "width: 100%" })
    <span asp-validation-for="ProductId" class="text-danger"></span>

There are 1 best solutions below


You can have the window make another call to ask for it's content. That call will return the partial with the view for the window.

In Parent View

@model ProductFormViewModel 

@(Html.Kendo().Window().LoadContentFrom("Action", "Controller",new object{"detailID",model.DetailID);


public ActionResult Action(int detailID)
    var detailModel=LoadDetail(DetailID);
    return PartialView("MyWindowPartual",detailModel);

Window Detail PartialView

@model AdvancedProductSettingsViewModel


And have the controller return a View() or PartialView().