Pods getting recreated every 2 mins after trying to pull the images of size more than 1 GB. But not completing

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I am trying to pull and run the images which are of a size more than 1 GB in Kubernetes pods. After 2 minutes, pods getting destroyed and recreating and the same issue is happening in a loop. Below is what I am getting while running ///kubectl get pods

NAME                                                             READY   STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE
dynamic-agent-fe7b9f8e-bce6-471b-a6b9-26cc52b02bba-4nxcd-psngk   0/3     ContainerCreating   0          <invalid>

  Type    Reason     Age   From                      Message
  ----    ------     ----  ----                      -------
  Normal  Scheduled  92s   default-scheduler         Successfully assigned default/dynamic-agent-fe7b9f8e-bce6-471b-a6b9-26cc52b02bba-4nxcd-qvg8c to k8sworker1-test
  Normal  Pulling    41s   kubelet, k8sworker1-test  pulling image "docker-all.xxx.xxx.net/sap/ppiper/node-browsers:v3"

After the above step, it continues to pull for 120 seconds after that k8s killing the pod and recreating it again same pulling process repeats...


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