Postgresql, slow SELECT query in postgres table

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we are having performance issue regarding select data in a Postgres database.

I have two tables, fleet_test and fleet_inspection_test.
fleet_test contains 94 columns as key:(fleet_id, usdot, country_code, contacts_count,....) and fleet_inspection_test contains 9 columns as key: (inspection_id, dot_number, insp_date... ).
fleet_test has around 460k rows and fleet_inspection_test has around 6 million rows.

The query I need to run as following and it takes around 4 seconds to run in the database.

select sum(contacts_count) as sum from fleet_test
where country_code = 'US'
and usdot in (select  dot_number from fleet_inspection_test
            where insp_date between '2016-02-15' and '2016-12-15');

If I only run the main query and it takes around 600 mesc:

select sum(contacts_count) as sum from fleet_test
where country_code = 'US'

We have indexes for each column. Unfortunately the results are not that good:

CREATE INDEX ix_fleet_test_contacts_count ON fleet_test USING btree (contacts_count);
CREATE INDEX ix_fleet_test_country_code ON fleet_test USING btree (country_code);
CREATE INDEX ix_fleet_test_usdot ON fleet_test USING btree (usdot);
CREATE INDEX ix_fleet_inspection_test_dot_number ON fleet_inspection_test USING btree (dot_number);
CREATE INDEX ix_fleet_inspection_test_insp_date ON fleet_inspection_test USING btree (insp_date);


'Aggregate  (cost=198451.70..198451.71 rows=1 width=4) (actual time=12300.010..12300.011 rows=1 loops=1)'
'  Buffers: shared hit=89350'
'  ->  Hash Join  (cost=152330.84..198276.23 rows=70189 width=4) (actual time=10902.309..12168.892 rows=189740 loops=1)'
'        Hash Cond: (fleet_test.usdot = fleet_inspection_test.dot_number)'
'        Buffers: shared hit=89350'
'        ->  Seq Scan on fleet_test  (cost=0.00..43722.72 rows=444397 width=8) (actual time=0.015..562.385 rows=443616 loops=1)'
'              Filter: ((country_code)::text = 'US'::text)'
'              Rows Removed by Filter: 14726'
'              Buffers: shared hit=37993'
'        ->  Hash  (cost=151817.53..151817.53 rows=41065 width=4) (actual time=10898.319..10898.319 rows=356230 loops=1)'
'              Buckets: 524288 (originally 65536)  Batches: 1 (originally 1)  Memory Usage: 16620kB'
'              Buffers: shared hit=51357'
'              ->  HashAggregate  (cost=151406.88..151817.53 rows=41065 width=4) (actual time=10240.109..10604.871 rows=356231 loops=1)'
'                    Group Key: fleet_inspection_test.dot_number'
'                    Buffers: shared hit=51357'
'                    ->  Seq Scan on fleet_inspection_test  (cost=0.00..138905.67 rows=5000485 width=4) (actual time=126.081..5077.200 rows=5007065 loops=1)'
'                          Filter: ((insp_date >= '2016-02-15'::date) AND (insp_date <= '2016-12-15'::date))'
'                          Rows Removed by Filter: 829513'
'                          Buffers: shared hit=51357'
'Planning time: 1.092 ms'
'Execution time: 12302.407 ms'

This is an EXPLAIN (ANALYZE, BUFFERS) example from my query. My expectations are to get this execution time in less than a second.

These are some parameters of the postgres db config:
Operating system: CentOS
System memory: 16GB

work_mem = 768MB
shared_buffers = 2048MB

Any help, comment or thought would be really appreciated!

Thank you in advance.


There are 1 best solutions below


Try this (3rd version)

    SELECT SUM(contacts_count) AS sum 
      FROM fleet_test AS t
      JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT dot_number 
              FROM fleet_inspection_test
             WHERE insp_date BETWEEN '2016-02-15' AND '2016-12-15') AS d
        ON (t.usdot = d.dot_number)
     WHERE t.country_code = 'US';