Powershell Job Active Directory Timeout

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I am creating a script which checks for disabled user. To shorten the time it takes to find the information for each user I wanted to create jobs which do this in parallel. Put only the first job actually finishes, all other jobs timeout with this message:

The operation returned because the timeout limit was exceeded.

Here is my code to find the disabled user and starting the job:

function Get-Disabled-Info ($infoFile){
    Write-Host "Collecting all disabled users..."
    $disabledUsers = (Get-ADUser -filter {(Enabled -eq "false")})

    Write-Output "Number of user who are disabled: " >> $infoFile
    $disabledUsers.Count >> $infoFile
    foreach ($user in $disabledUsers){
        $userCluster[$counter] = ($user.ToString())

        if((($counter % 10) -eq 0 -And $counter -ne 0) -or $counter+1 -eq $disabledUsers.Count){
            Start-Job -ScriptBlock $disabledUserBlock -ArgumentList (,$userCluster)
            $userCluster = New-Object string[] 10

    Write-Host "Waiting for background jobs..." -NoNewLine

    While (@(Get-Job | Where-Object { $_.State -eq "Running" }).Count -ne 0)
       Start-Sleep -Seconds 3
       Write-Host "." -NoNewline
    ForEach ($Job in (Get-Job)) {
       Receive-Job $Job -Keep >> $infoFile
       Receive-Job $Job
       Remove-Job $Job

    Write-Output "`nDomain user information saved to $disabledText in current directory."

This is the scriptblock for the job:

$disabledUserBlock = {
    param (
    for ($i = 0; $i -lt $users.Count; $i++) {
        Get-ADUser $users[$i] -Properties * | Select-Object GivenName, Surname, SamAccountName, Enabled, LastLogonDate, CanonicalName 
        Write-Output "Group membership: " 
        (Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership $users[$i]).Name 
        Write-Output "______________________________________________________________________" 

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