Powershell PSObject calculated property based on another property

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I'm creating an array of PSObjects with calculated properties. I need one property that is calculated based on another property of the same object. How do I do that? Example - let's say I have array of strings like "a_1", "b_2", "c_3" etc. and I have a lookup function that returns something based on the first part of those strings, i.e. someLookUpFunction('a') would return "AA" with input of "a". Now I need a property in my object that has this calculated 'AA' based on the my 'name' property

$stringArray = @('a_1', 'b_2', 'c_3')
$objectArray = $stringArray | ForEach-Object{
  New-Object PSObject -Property @{
     'name' = ($_ -split "_")[0]
     'extendedName' = {$name = ($_ -split "_")[0]; someLookUpFunction($name) }

The code above doesn't work in part that the output for 'extendedName' property is just this script block. How do I make it to take the value?


There are 2 best solutions below


If you need to capture the output of an expression within an expression, you can use the sub-expression operator $().

$stringArray = @('a_1', 'b_2', 'c_3')
$objectArray = $stringArray | ForEach-Object {
     'name' = ($_ -split "_")[0]
     # You can't reference the name property above in this property because it has not been created yet.
     'extendedName' = $($name = ($_ -split "_")[0]; someLookUpFunction $name)

However, that should not be necessary in your example. You can define a variable before the custom object creation and then reference it within the object creation code:

$stringArray = @('a_1', 'b_2', 'c_3')
$objectArray = $stringArray | ForEach-Object {
  $name = ($_ -split '_')[0]
     'name' = $name
     'extendedName' = someLookUpFunction $name

You could also pass expressions to parameters directly provided it can be tokenized correctly:

$stringArray = @('a_1', 'b_2', 'c_3')
$objectArray = $stringArray | ForEach-Object {
     'name' = ($_ -split '_')[0]
     'extendedName' = someLookUpFunction ($_ -split '_')[0]

Note: The proper way to call a function without using the pipeline is functionName -parametername parametervalue or functionName parametervalue if positional parameters are enabled. The syntax functionName(parametervalue) could have unintended consequences. See this answer for a deeper dive into function/method calling syntax.

You cannot access the name property of an object before that object has been created.


In addition to AdminOfThings Good Answer you can bypass the loop altogether using a select statement with the calculated property hash syntax:

$stringArray = @('a_1', 'b_2', 'c_3')
$objectArray = $stringArray | 
Select-Object @{Name = 'Name'; Expression = { ($_ -Split '_')[0] } },
    @{Name = 'ExtendedName'; Expression = { SomeLookupFunction ($_ -Split '_')[0] } }

For the efficiency of not executing -Split '_' 2x, if you do go with a loop just use a variable to and reference twice.

Altered version of AdminOfThings Example:

$stringArray = @('a_1', 'b_2', 'c_3')
$objectArray = $stringArray | ForEach-Object {
  $TmpName = ($_ -split '_')[0]
     'name' = $TmpName
     'extendedName' = someLookUpFunction $TmpName

It's also correct that you can't reference a property before it's been added to an object. One way around this is to just use 2 select statements:

$stringArray = @('a_1', 'b_2', 'c_3')
$objectArray = $stringArray | 
Select-Object @{Name = 'Name'; Expression = { ($_ -Split '_')[0] } } |
Select-Object *, @{Name = 'ExtendedName'; Expression = { SomeLookupFunction ($_ -Split '_')[0] } }

This may have some readability advantage, but, I try to avoid it in favor of invoking as few commands as possible.