Primefaces Datatable restrict Reorder

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I need to restrict the reorder-event of a PrimeFaces Datatable, so that leaving the table horizontally isn't possible . Optionally I would like to add a border when an element ist dragged, so that the user can see, where he can drop the element.

I know that these functions are possible under the normal Drag and Drop-function, as we can the in the Primefaces showcase. Restriction: (last Element)
Highlight of the Droparea:

I went through the doku of primefaces, but yet haven't found anything that would make it possible to restrict the area. For the Highlight i tried to use the ajax-event, by using the onstart with a js-function which sets a styleclass to the table, but since the Event isn't triggered while dragging but by dropping, this wasn't as successful as I hoped.

The minimal example is based on the Primefaces Showcase dealing with Reorder. My xode is a copy of the showcase ( The only thing I changed is the width of the datatable to see, wether it's still possible to move the element above the border

Is there any way to get this worked? I would appreciate any assistance, thanks in advance!

PrimeFaces Version: 6.2


There are 1 best solutions below


I found an approach, that might work for me. I added some JQuery and set the axis after the following way

  jQuery(function() {
    PF('widgetVarTableName').tbody.sortable( "option", "axis", "y" );

At the moment I'm facing the problem, that the dragged element expands to the whole display width and the code is only run once, but perhaps this approach will help others..