PrimeVue Tree with action buttons on each TreeNode

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  • Vue 3.3.6 in composition API script setup style
  • PrimeVue 3.37.0
  • PrimeFlex 3.3.1
  • Typescript


Getting a selectable tree with checkboxes with actions button on each TreeNode. Clicking on a TreeNode toogle the state (selected or not) of the TreeNode but clicking on an actions Button should only launch the action and not toogle the state.


  1. Clicking on an action button launch the action AND toogle the selected state
  2. The display is not really nice: the text is aligned on the bottom and the button is really large compared to the rest of the TreeNode


  <Tree v-model:selectionKeys="selectedTreeItems" :value="treeItems" selectionMode="checkbox" :pt="treeOpt" @nodeSelect="toggleStuff" @nodeUnselect="toggleStuff"/>
    <template v-slot:default="{ node }">
      {{ node.label }}
      <Button icon="pi pi-ellipsis-v" outlined rounded size="small" @click="doAction(node)" v-if="node.selectable"></Button>
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref, type Ref } from 'vue';
import type { TreeNode, TreePassThroughOptions, TreeProps, TreeSelectionKeys } from 'primevue/tree';

const dataList = [
  { key: 'grid', label: 'Grid', data: 'grid', selectable: true, disabled: true, children:
      { key: 'grid1', label: 'Grid One', data: 'grid1', selectable: true, disabled: false},
      { key: 'grid2', label: 'Grid Two', data: 'grid2', selectable: true, disabled: false}
  { key: 'biz', label: 'Biz', data: 'biz', selectable: false, disabled: true, children:
      { key: 'biz1', label: 'Biz One', data: 'biz1', selectable: true, disabled: true},
      { key: 'biz2', label: 'Biz Two', data: 'biz2', selectable: true, disabled: true}
const treeOpt: TreePassThroughOptions = {
  root: {class: 'text-xs p-0'},
const treeItems: Ref<TreeNode[]> = ref([...dataList])
const selectedTreeItems: Ref<TreeSelectionKeys | undefined> = ref();

function doAction(node:TreeNode) {
  console.log('Action: ', node);

function toggleStuff(node: TreeNode) {
  // Toggling stuff

There are 1 best solutions below


Related to my first problem, to avoid toogling the check state while clicking on the button, I finally found the @click.stop="doAction()" answer.

Using the .stop will stop the event propagation and only focus on the button event. This solution solve my problem without any side effect at this point.


I finally found something ok related to the 2nd problem using some CSS. The main solution was adding an intermediate div with the following primeflex class flex align-items-center. But if someone would suggest something using the slot feature, I'll appreciate.

Hope this could help people later ! :)