Privately published AWS Sumerian scene in React Web App does not include chatbot feature(Polly and Lex)

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I am not able to get the chatbot features to work when the scene is published privately with Amplify, how do I include Polly and Lex in a privately published scene in Sumerian (Publishing it publicly works exactly as it is in the Sumerian editor)? There is a guide here but it is very vague (Step 5):

Below is my code in app.js

 import React, {Component} from 'react';
 import './App.css';
 import { withAuthenticator, SumerianScene  } from 'aws-amplify-react';
 import Amplify from 'aws-amplify';
 import Aws_exports from './aws-exports';
 import '@aws-amplify/ui/dist/style.css';
 import AWS, { Polly } from 'aws-sdk';
 new AWS.Polly();

 class App extends Component {
   render() {
     return (
        <div style={ { height: '100vh' } }>
          <SumerianScene sceneName='Scane1'/>

 export default App;

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