Problems with BLE throughput Degradation on Android 12

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I'm developing an Android app that receives approximately 117 kbps of ble data per second.

There was no problem with versions earlier than Android 12, but the update to version 12 caused an average of 85 kbps of data to be received.

How can I solve this problem?

//                        .usePreferredPhy(PhyRequest.PHY_LE_1M_MASK | PhyRequest.PHY_LE_2M_MASK)
.done(device -> {
    mConnected = true;
    mLeDeviceListAdapter.updateDeviceStatus(mPosition, BluetoothScanResponseModel.DeviceStatusMode.DEVICE_SEARCHING_SERVICE_MODE);
    .fail(((device, status) -> {

Tablet Environment: Galaxy S6 Lite


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