Problems with Testing Jersey 3 Web Application using Jersey Test Framework

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I've got a Jersey 3 Web application (running on Tomcat10, JDK15 with JUnit5) in which I would like to Unit test my Endpoints.

Although, I have troubles setting these up. What I understand is, that I need to use a GrizzlyWebTestContainer in order to get the correct environment setup. Also, I figure I need somehow to pass my web.xml to the ServletcContainer. But how would I do this?

When I run the test, I get:

java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "org.glassfish.jersey.test.spi.TestContainer.getBaseUri()" because the return value of "org.glassfish.jersey.test.JerseyTest.getTestContainer()" is null

So I need to configure somewhere a baseUri as well - but where? Unfortunately, I've found only examples and documentations with GrizzlyTestContainerFactory instead of GrizzlyWebTestC... Could someone explain me what I did miss?

Any input is much appreciated!

This is my Unit test:

public class SimpleTest extends JerseyTest {

    public TestContainerFactory getTestContainerFactory() {
        return new GrizzlyWebTestContainerFactory();

    public DeploymentContext configureDeployment() {
        return ServletDeploymentContext
                .forServlet(new ServletContainer()) //how to pass web.xml here?

    protected Application configure() {
        return new ResourceConfig(DatasetController.class);

    public void test() {
        Response response = target("/data/180").request().get(); //--> NPE is thrown here
        assertEquals(200, response.getStatus());

This my Endpoint, I would like to test:

public class DataController {

    @Context ServletContext context;

    private DataSource ds;

    public void init() { ds = (DataSource) context.getAttribute(DATASOURCE_CONTEXT_NAME); }

    public Response getDataById(@PathParam("id") Long id) throws SQLException {
        logger.debug("Fetching dataset with id " + id);
        DSLContext create = DSL.using(ds.getConnection());

            //some JOOQ code

            return Response.ok(dto).build();

This is the most important part in my pom.xml

        <!-- Testing -->

There are 1 best solutions below


This issue causes because in org.glassfish.jersey.test.JerseyTest class you can find method with @Before annotation related to junit4

public void setUp() throws Exception {

When you replace junit4 to junit5 this annotation do nothing and method doesn't invoke.


public class YourJerseyTest extends JerseyTest {

void init() throws Exception {