Programmatically loop through the rows of a MudDataGrid

160 Views Asked by At

How can I access and manipulate individual rows in a MudDataGrid within a Blazor WebAssembly application using C#? Specifically, I want to change the background color or remove rows programmatically. Sample Project

Similar question but different context ...


There are 1 best solutions below


You could access and modify the specific Person in the People IEnummerable. I'm using a List instead of an IEnummerable, just so I can use Remove, RemoveAt.

To remove a row you can use

private void RemoveRow(int index)

To change the background-color use the RowStyleFunc of the DataGrid. But before add a new Property ColorCode on Person

public record Person(string Name, int Age, string State, string ColorCode){
  public string ColorCode{get; set;}

And use and define the RowStyleFunc of the DataGrid

<MudDataGrid T="Person" Items="@People" ColumnResizeMode="ResizeMode.Container" @ref="mudGrid" RowStyleFunc="@_rowStyleFunc">

private Func<Person, int, string> _rowStyleFunc => (x, i) =>
  // clear all rowStyles
  string style = string.Empty;
  style += $"background-color:#{x.ColorCode}";

  return style;

And finally a method to change the property ColorCode

private async void ChangeRowBackgroundColor(int index)
  People[index].ColorCode = "FFFFFF";

Additionally you can also add Buttons to each row and access the person there

    <PropertyColumn Property="x => x.Name" CellStyle="max-width: 100px; overflow-x: hidden; white-space: nowrap;" />
    <TemplateColumn T="Person" TProperty="String" Sortable="false" Filterable="false" Title="Buttons">
            <MudMenu Label="Actions" Variant="Variant.Filled" DisableElevation="true"
                     EndIcon="@Icons.Material.Filled.KeyboardArrowDown" IconColor="Color.Secondary" TransformOrigin="Origin.TopLeft">
                <MudMenuItem OnClick="@(async () => await RemovePerson(context.Item))">Remove me!</MudMenuItem>
                <MudMenuItem OnClick="@(async () => await ColorPerson(context.Item))">Color Me!</MudMenuItem>

private async Task RemovePerson(Person person)

Snippet with examples