prometheus alertmanager alertrule with multiple arguments for the same query

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- alert: APIHighRequestLatency  DEV
        expr: (sum(traefik_service_request_duration_seconds_sum{instance="",service=~"backend-module-test.*"}) / sum(traefik_service_requests_total{instance="",service=~"backend-module-test.*"}) * 1000) > 0
        for: 1m
          severity: 4
          threshold: warning
          summary: "API module-test DEV response time > 50 ms"
          description: "{{ $value }} is the avg response time backend-module-test for last one minute in DEV environment"

In the query I want to change the service with following set of arguments

  • backend-module-test
  • backend-module-test1
  • backend-module-test2

But i do not want to repeat the whole alert rule again, is there any way to parameterize this ?


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