Proto. My import proto file doesn`t work. Why I get error "Type" is not a type."?

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Main file:

    syntax = "proto3";
    option csharp_namespace = "Service.Protos";
    package provider;
    import "type.proto";
    service provider {
      rpc Test (TestRequest) returns (TestResponse);
    message TestRequest {
      Type Type = 1;
    message TestResponse { }

Import file:

syntax = "proto3";

option csharp_namespace = "Service.Protos";

package Type;

enum Type {
  None = 0;

I get error: "Type" is not a type." Help me please. Why it doesn`t work? Both files are side by side


There are 1 best solutions below


I think it should be Type.Type, because of the package name. Like this:

  message TestRequest {
      Type.Type Type = 1;

I have tried it with Go and it works for me.