PWA "The start_url did respond, but not via a service worker." -- NextJS-PWA

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I've been using next-pwa (npm link) to automate the service-worker setup stuff for setting up a PWA in NextJS. For the most part, everything has been going fine. However, I cannot for the life of me figure out how to solve the one error (shown below) still appearing in the lighthouse audit. I've read a good amount of posts and tried to implement several different solutions but so far no dice.

enter image description here

Here is the sw.js that is automatically created by NextJS.

// sw.js
if (!self.define) {
  const e = e => {
      'require' !== e && (e += '.js');
      let n = Promise.resolve();
      return (
        i[e] ||
          (n = new Promise(async n => {
            if ('document' in self) {
              const i = document.createElement('script');
              (i.src = e), document.head.appendChild(i), (i.onload = n);
            } else importScripts(e), n();
        n.then(() => {
          if (!i[e]) throw new Error(`Module ${e} didn’t register its module`);
          return i[e];
    n = (n, i) => {
      Promise.all( => i(1 === e.length ? e[0] : e));
    i = { require: Promise.resolve(n) };
  self.define = (n, s, c) => {
    i[n] ||
      (i[n] = Promise.resolve().then(() => {
        let i = {};
        const r = { uri: location.origin + n.slice(1) };
        return Promise.all(
 => {
            switch (n) {
              case 'exports':
                return i;
              case 'module':
                return r;
                return e(n);
        ).then(e => {
          const n = c(...e);
          return i.default || (i.default = n), i;
define('./sw.js', ['./workbox-1ca495a9'], function(e) {
  'use strict';
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        { url: '/vercel.svg', revision: '4b4f1876502eb6721764637fe5c41702' }
      { ignoreURLParametersMatching: [] }
      new e.NetworkFirst({
        cacheName: 'start-url',
        plugins: [
          new e.ExpirationPlugin({
            maxEntries: 1,
            maxAgeSeconds: 86400,
            purgeOnQuotaError: !0
      new e.CacheFirst({
        cacheName: 'google-fonts',
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            maxEntries: 4,
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            purgeOnQuotaError: !0
      new e.StaleWhileRevalidate({
        cacheName: 'static-image-assets',
        plugins: [
          new e.ExpirationPlugin({
            maxEntries: 64,
            maxAgeSeconds: 86400,
            purgeOnQuotaError: !0
      new e.StaleWhileRevalidate({
        cacheName: 'static-js-assets',
        plugins: [
          new e.ExpirationPlugin({
            maxEntries: 32,
            maxAgeSeconds: 86400,
            purgeOnQuotaError: !0
      new e.StaleWhileRevalidate({
        cacheName: 'static-style-assets',
        plugins: [
          new e.ExpirationPlugin({
            maxEntries: 32,
            maxAgeSeconds: 86400,
            purgeOnQuotaError: !0
      new e.NetworkFirst({
        cacheName: 'static-data-assets',
        plugins: [
          new e.ExpirationPlugin({
            maxEntries: 32,
            maxAgeSeconds: 86400,
            purgeOnQuotaError: !0
      new e.NetworkFirst({
        cacheName: 'apis',
        networkTimeoutSeconds: 10,
        plugins: [
          new e.ExpirationPlugin({
            maxEntries: 16,
            maxAgeSeconds: 86400,
            purgeOnQuotaError: !0
      new e.NetworkFirst({
        cacheName: 'others',
        networkTimeoutSeconds: 10,
        plugins: [
          new e.ExpirationPlugin({
            maxEntries: 32,
            maxAgeSeconds: 86400,
            purgeOnQuotaError: !0

Here is the next.config.js

const withPWA = require('next-pwa');

module.exports = withPWA({
  disable: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development',
  register: true,
  sw: '/sw.js',
  future: { webpack5: true },
  distDir: '/.next',
  pwa: {
    dest: 'public'

and my public/manifest.json

  "name": "Parakeat Language Learning",
  "short_name": "Parakeat",
  "icons": [
      "src": "icons/android-icon-36x36.png",
      "sizes": "36x36",
      "type": "image/png",
      "density": "0.75"
      "src": "icons/android-icon-48x48.png",
      "sizes": "48x48",
      "type": "image/png",
      "density": "1.0"
      "src": "icons/android-icon-72x72.png",
      "sizes": "72x72",
      "type": "image/png",
      "density": "1.5"
      "src": "icons/android-icon-96x96.png",
      "sizes": "96x96",
      "type": "image/png",
      "density": "2.0"
      "src": "icons/android-icon-144x144.png",
      "sizes": "144x144",
      "type": "image/png",
      "density": "3.0"
      "src": "icons/android-icon-192x192.png",
      "sizes": "192x192",
      "type": "image/png",
      "density": "4.0"
      "src": "icons/android-icon-512x512.png",
      "sizes": "512x512",
      "type": "image/png",
      "density": "4.0"
      "src": "icons/maskable_icon_x1.png",
      "sizes": "196x196",
      "type": "image/png",
      "purpose": "any maskable"
  "start_url": "/",
  "scope": "",
  "orientation": "portrait",
  "display": "standalone",
  "theme_color": "#002",
  "background_color": "#ffffff"

I'm pretty much out of ideas, I've been reading through the next-pwa npm docs, the associated example file, and third-party resources, and for all of them it just seems to work, yet ... I'm having no such luck.

Lastly, the response when I deploy it (although it succeeds, maybe this is part of the issue?)

enter image description here


There are 1 best solutions below


According to:

They think it is a bug with Lighthouse. It certainly seems to work correctly when I disable the network.