Pygame draw antialiased filled polygon

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The documentation says "For aapolygon, use aalines with the ‘closed’ parameter.", but pygame.draw.aalines doesn't let me specify the width (0 = filled), making it not fill the surface. This looks just terrible: enter image description here

These circles look much better:

enter image description here

How can I do this?

I generate the surface using quadratic beziers, whose coordinates get appended to a list. Then I draw it onto the surface like this (In the image above I did this twice, once for the outer circle and once for the inner circle):


And the drawing code (shape.image is the same surface as self.image in the code above):


There are 2 best solutions below


martineau's comment is on point: In order to draw antialiased filled shapes with pygame, use the module gfxdraw and draw one regular filled shape and one antialiased outline. From

"To draw an anti aliased and filled shape, first use the aa* version of the function, and then use the filled version."

Note that you need to import gfxdraw explicitly, i.e. from pygame import gfxdraw.


I made some tests and with my pygame version (2.1.2) drawing aapolygons (lines) on top of a polygon (jagged edges) results in jaggies on the right and lower sides because the lines are inside the jagged polygon area. I whipped up a quick test for a workaround function that uses supersampling to convert the jagged polygon into a smooth one. For anyone interested here is the code:

def draw_aapolygon(surface, color, points, scale=2):                            
    Draw antialiased polygon using supersampling.                               
    # Calculate minimum x and y values.                                         
    x_coords = tuple(x for x, _ in points)                                      
    x_min, x_max = min(x_coords), max(x_coords)                                 
    y_coords = tuple(y for _, y in points)                                      
    y_min, y_max = min(y_coords), max(y_coords)                                 
    # Calculate width and height of target area.                                
    w = x_max - x_min + 1                                                       
    h = y_max - y_min + 1                                                       
    # Create scaled surface with properties of target surface.                  
    s = pygame.Surface((w * scale, h * scale), 0, surface)                      
    s_points = [((x - x_min) * scale, (y - y_min) * scale)                      
                for x, y in points]                                             
    pygame.draw.polygon(s, color, s_points)                                     
    # Scale down surface to target size for supersampling effect.               
    s2 = pygame.transform.smoothscale(s, (w, h))                                
    # Paint smooth polygon on target surface.                                   
    surface.blit(s2, (x_min, y_min))

Feel free to point out errors, except that is uses quite a bit of resources, which is obvious.

UPDATE: The smoothscale function does not honour transparency, I will write a version that uses transparency when I'm on it again. You can use this function as a proof of concept meanwhile.