C:\c>python -m pydoc wordspyth^A.split
no python documentation found for 'wordspyth\x01.split'
I understand that python documentation doesn't exist, but why does ^A
convert to \x01
Like Anthon said , ctrl + A
is a non-printable character , when you add that to a string in python and the string is printed out, python internally converts many such non-printable characters to printable unicode format.
This was done in Python 3000 through http://legacy.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3138/
Ctrl+A is a control character with value 1, those are echoed hexidecimal by default. As they might break your prompt/terminal and/or would be illegible.
That pydoc doesn't know about the non-standard function
doesn't mean there is no documentation