Python remote directory browsing Server-Client

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I'm working on python GUI-application with Tkinter to exchange files between two local PC Local Client and Local Server using the socket library (Local file transfer). What I want to do is to browse remotely the Server folders from the Client GUI to choose a file then send it to the Client computer.

Right now, I'm running the Client and the Server on the same machine. The appliccation works as follows:

-After I run the Server script ,it waits for an incoming connection.

-I run the Client script (GUI) on the same machine, then I browse folders using this function :

def browser(self):
    options = {
                "mustexist": False,
                "initialdir": '/media', #default path
                "title": 'Choose a directory'
    #this will open a dialogue window to select the desired directory
    self.browsePath = tkFileDialog.askdirectory(**options)

-The Client send the chosen file path (text) to the Server

-The Server send back the file

That process works fine one the same machine (because the Client and the Server had same directory-tree) .

But how to do that on separate machines , I wonder if there's a way to receive the Server directory-tree and vizualize it on Client GUI or somthing else?

I hope my question is claire !


There are 1 best solutions below


You would need to create a server on the remote computer, such that when it is sent a directory over sockets, it will send back the contents. On the other computer, you would need a client. If there is no predetermined server/client, have all computers be servers, until told otherwise.