Python: Using Multiple Variables in WRDS CRSP Query

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I would like to use multiple variables within a WRDS SQL query. I am seeking to search the CRSP database by PERMNO and Date, return the stock price for a particular company on a particular day. I have a large DataFrame from which these variables will be retrieved and used to search the CRSP database.


sql_query = """
 SELECT cusip, permno, date, prc
 FROM crsp_a_stock.dsf
 WHERE permno = 12490
 AND date in %(dates)s
 LIMIT 100
 parm = {'dates': tuple([line for line in open('dates.txt', 'r')])}

 df = db.raw_sql(sql_query,  params=parm)


    cusip       permno   date       prc
0   45920010    12490.0 1996-01-31  108.5

This outputs the data for IBM (PERMNO 12490) on the 31/01/1996 as desired. My issue is that I also want to be able to make the permno condition link to a variable, this way I can run the query and retrieve price data for each company on a specific day.

This code is based on this Answer.

Is this possible to do through db.raw_sql? I have searched the WRDS Help Site (specifically the Passing Parameters to SQL section) but have been unable to solve this problem. I am not fussed as to the specifics of the solution (such as using the .txt input file instead of a data frame), I just need to be able to implement variables for multiple WHERE conditions. If it is not possible through db.raw_sql, are there any alternate ways to access the WRDS database through Python that would allow this?

Thanks for any tips or pointers.


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