Q: Permutations of multiple, non-equal shapes on 2-Dimensional grid

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The following components exist for this problem:

  • Two-dimensional, rectangular grid ("r" rows by "c" columns)
  • One or more shapes: here a shape is defined as a straight line that is one segment by "L" adjacent segments in length. Each segment is equivalent in size to one cell of the grid.


Algebraically calculate the total number of unique ways (permutations) that all shapes may be arranged on the grid simultaneously.

Ultimately, I will be using this function in either R or JavaScript; however, this is primarily a math/algebra question. I am comfortable converting any solutions provided into the appropriate language, as long as I understand how the solution works. All thoughts/languages are welcome and appreciated.


  • All shapes must fit on the grid at once (and entirely).
  • Shapes may not over lap. Only one segment may occupy a grid cell at a time.
  • Shapes may be positioned vertically.
  • Shapes may be positioned horizontally.
  • Shapes may NOT be positioned diagonally.
  • Shapes must remain intact (i.e., a 2-segment shape may not be split into two, one-segment shapes)


If each shape has a single segment (i.e., occupies only one cell of the grid) then factorials may be used:

Let x = r * c (the number of cells in the grid)
Let n = the number of single-segment shapes to fit on the grid

P(x,n) = x! / (x-n)!

Therefore, the permutations for two, single-segment shapes on a grid of three rows and three columns may be calculated as:

P((3*3),2) = 9!/(9-2)! = 72

Relatively simple and elegant.

Calculating permutations for a single shape having a length of L >=1 (requiring L <= r and L <= c) the process is somewhat less elegant but still relatively simple:

P(r,c,L) = r*(c-(L-1)) + c*(r-(L-1))  

[I realize this can likely be simplified algebraically but it is clearer for me to illustrate the process this way]

Therefore, the permutations for a single, two-segment shape on a grid of three rows and three columns may be calculated as:

P(3,3,2) = 3*(3-(2-1)) + 3*(3-(2-1)) = 12

The next step is to introduce additional shapes of varying lengths into the equation.

For example, how many permutations exist for positioning a two-segment shape and a three-segment shape simultaneously on a grid of four rows and four columns? This is where I am stuck and feel I may be searching for an algebraic solution that does not exist or that is not possible.

(Incidentally, for testing purposes, I physically tested the example above and found 251 possible unique positions)

Graphic illustration of the problem:

4 x 4 Grid with 2-segment and 3-segment shapes


Can this problem be solved algebraically, or does the problem require iterative functions to actually find all possible positions before providing a count of the number of permutations?

If the problem is solvable algebraically, can anyone provide direction on how this would be accomplished, or recommend a publicly accessible resource that I could use to learn how to solve this problem.


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