Q1 : priority_queue "come before means output last", Q2 : custom compare with sort and priority_queue

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i'm looking this webpage and in template parameters section Compare says like this.

But because the priority queue outputs largest elements first, the elements that "come before" are actually output last.

i learned that heap realization like this.

parent node : i / 2 
left child node : i * 2 
right child node : i * 2 + 1

so if i make max heap then array will made like this.


so i can't understand why come before element will output last mean. did i miss something?


i want to make custom compare object for sort and priority queue. here is my code.

struct Compare
    bool operator()(vector<int>& l, vector<int>& r) { return r[1] < l[1]; }

bool compare(vector<int>& l, vector<int>& r) { return l[0] < r[0]; }

int solution(vector<vector<int>> jobs) {
    sort(jobs.begin(), jobs.end(), compare);
    priority_queue<vector<int>, vector<vector<int>>, Compare> jobQueue;

i was wanted that sort should be ascending, and priority_queue should be min heap to pop least element first. and code work right.

but i feel that code is little unpretty that similar compare were separated.

i want that compare function united to Compare class, but operator() function will be redeclared.

is it possible to unite code?


There are 1 best solutions below


Q1 is mostly a terminology clash; the ordering relation a < b usually says "a is ordered before b", but in a priority_queue, a < b means "a has a lower priority than b".
So b is before a in the priority order. (That is, the priority order is the opposite of the ordering relation's order.)

Here is one suggestion regarding Q2; a class template.

template<typename T, size_t index>
struct Compare
    bool operator()(vector<int>& l, vector<int>& r) { return order(l[index], r[index]); }
    T order;

using SortedOrder = Compare<std::less<int>, 0>;
using PriorityOrder = Compare<std::greater<int>, 1>;

int solution(vector<vector<int>> jobs) {
    sort(jobs.begin(), jobs.end(), SortedOrder());
    priority_queue<vector<int>, vector<vector<int>>, PriorityOrder> jobQueue;
    return 0;