QObject::connect fails at runtime, while linking thread's finished-signal to mapper's delateLater-slot

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i'm using C++ and Qt4.5.2 (requirement of the target system) in my project. There is a need of a worker thread supplied with additional arguments/parameter, so i did the following (in short with deleted error handling/output):

bool _bRetVal = false;
COpgThread* _pParseThread = new COpgThread(); // COpgThread is subclassed from QThread to access the protected msleep-function
COpgWorker* _pParseWorker = new COpgWorker(); // COpgWorker is subclassed from QObject to provide: slots (process) and signals (finished, progress, error) for a COpgThread-instance
QSignalMapper* _pParseMapper = new QSignalMapper();
COpgParam _pParseParam = new COpgParam(m_sParseFile, m_sRegExpFile); // COpgParam is subclassed from QObject to handle user data for mapping

//#1 hookup error-signal from worker to errorParsing-function in this object
_bRetVal = QObject::connect(_pParseWorker, SIGNAL(error(int const)), this, SLOT(errorParsing(int const)));

//#2..3 hookup thread's started-signal to process-slot in the worker (via signal mapper for parameters/arguments)
_bRetVal = QObject::connect(_pParseThread, SIGNAL(started()), _pParseMapper, SLOT(map()));
_pParseMapper->setMapping(_pParseThread, _pParseParam);
_bRetVal = QObject::connect(_pParseMapper, SIGNAL(mapped(QObject*)), _pParseWorker, SLOT(process(QObject*)));

//#4 hookup progress-signal from worker to progessParsing-function in this object    
_bRetVal = QObject::connect(_pParseWorker, SIGNAL(progress(int const)), this, SLOT(progressParsing(int const)));

//#5 hookup finished-signal from worker to completedParsing-function in this object
_bRetVal = QObject::connect(_pParseWorker, SIGNAL(finished(int const)), this, SLOT(completedParsing(int const)));

//#6 when worker emits finished-signal, signal thread to quit (shutdown)
_bRetVal = QObject::connect(_pParseWorker, SIGNAL(finished(int const)), _pParseThread, SLOT(quit()));
//#7 when worker emits finished-signal, mark worker to be deleted
_bRetVal = QObject::connect(_pParseWorker, SIGNAL(finished(int const)), _pParseWorker, SLOT(deleteLater()));
//++++ this connect fails at runtime ++++
    //#8 when thread emits finished-signal, mark mapper to be deleted
    _bRetVal = QObject::connect(_pParseThread, SIGNAL(finished(int const)), _pParseMapper, SLOT(deleteLater()));
//#9 when thread emits finished-signal, mark thread to be deleted
_bRetVal = QObject::connect(_pParseThread, SIGNAL(finished(int const)), _pParseThread, SLOT(deleteLater()));

The whole code compiles without any errors, but the 8th connect fails at runtime. I thought, that when i create an instance of QSignalMapper ... it has to bee deleted sometime or other. Maybe it's wasted code. I'm not that familiar with Qt.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance.


There are 1 best solutions below


but the 8th connect fails at runtime.

An error message is printed to stdout - what does it print?

btw: The QProcess::finished() signal is SIGNAL(finished(int)) - this might be your problem.