Qt 5.4 beta WebEngineView Debugging

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I'm currently working on a VS2013 project which uses Qt 5.4. beta. I use a QWebEngineView (which is part of the Chromium based QWebEngine), which loads Javascript/HTML pages from a webserver.

I would like to know if there are any possibilities debugging javascript and HTML for that QWebEngineView (or more generally QWebEngine).

I saw some notions of "devtools" in the webengine source code, maybe that could be a solution.


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I duplicate my answer for same question:

You can do it with older QWebView, see QWebSettings::DeveloperExtrasEnabled.

Docs have nothing about same for QWebEngineView, but I found this link (look at line 47). I didn't try if it works, but you can try. May be dev tools will be available in one of the following QT versions.