Qt custom widget update big overhead

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We are trying to use Qt 4.8.5 for some Linux-based embedded devices in our company. I use Qt embedded without X server. I need to plot measured data and update them very often (20-30fps, but only a small portion of the widget). The system is ARM based, 400Mhz, have no GPU and no FPU. I subclassed QWidget and overridden the paintEvent(). I have WA_OpaquePaintEvent and WA_StaticContents set. For testing, my paint event is empty, and I call the update() function of the widget form a timer set to 50ms. My problem is that the empty update is eating up 30% of the CPU. The amount varies with the area of the update, so I think QT may redraw something in the background. I have read many posts but I cannot find the solution for my problem. If I comment out the update call, the CPU usage drops to ~1% (even if I generate a sine in the timer for testing the widget, which should be much more complex than an empty function call). My widget is rectangular, is not transparent and I want to handle the full drawing procedure from the paint event.

Is it possible to reduce this overhead, and handle the whole painting process by my own?


There are 1 best solutions below


The "empty update" is not empty - it repaints the whole window :)

Have you read the below?

To rapidly update custom widgets with simple background colors, such as real-time plotting or graphing widgets, it is better to define a suitable background color (using setBackgroundRole() with the QPalette::Window role), set the autoFillBackground property, and only implement the necessary drawing functionality in the widget's paintEvent().

You should also be using QWidget::scroll(), since internally it does scroll the backing store of the window, and that's much more efficient than repainting the entire thing if only a tiny slice is added to it.