Qt state charts: How to invoke a compiled state machine?

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Having read the SCXML invoke example I ask myself how this should work if you want to invoke a state machine that was compiled to C++ code using qscxmlc. I noticed that it is possible to invoke another state machine by using the src attribute in the invoke tag. I got this working by setting src to the filesystem path of an SCXML file. I could however not figure out how to refer to an SCXML file in the Qt resources (using qrc:///... did not work) or how to invoke a compiled state machine.


I could not find anything in Qt's documentation so I had a look at the sources (version 5.8):

Loading is implemented in qscxmlcompiler.cpp in QScxmlCompilerPrivate::DefaultLoader::load(..) (line 2447):

    const QUrl url(name);
    if (!url.isLocalFile() && !url.isRelative())
        errs << QStringLiteral("src attribute is not a local file (%1)").arg(name);
    QFileInfo fInfo = url.isLocalFile() ? url.toLocalFile() : name;
    if (fInfo.isRelative())
        fInfo = QFileInfo(QDir(baseDir).filePath(fInfo.filePath()));
    // ...

I notice that it uses QUrl and therefore should be able to work with resources I tried using :/mystatemachinefile.scxml instead of rsc://mystatemachinefile.scxm and it worked :) This however should be added to the docs IMHO.

I still wonder how you should implement state charts if you want to compile them before they are used, but I guess this is not possible at the moment?


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