@QueryParam/@PathParam parameters in @GET method working despite NOT adhering to JAX-RS rules

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I have JAX-RS API endpoints defined in a class. I have methods in the class such as

@Consumes({ MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, MediaType.TEXT_XML,           
@Produces({ MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, MediaType.TEXT_XML,            
public Response getSomeResource(@PathParam("param1") MyClass1 myclass1, 
@PathParam("param2") MyClass2 myclass2 )

//business logic goes here


Now as per the documentation at -- https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E19776-01/820-4867/6nga7f5n6/index.html , @QueryParam and @PathParam can only be used on the following Java types:

   All primitive types except char

   All wrapper classes of primitive types except Character

   Have a constructor that accepts a single String argument

   Any class with the static method named valueOf(String) that accepts
   a single String argument

   Any class with a constructor that takes a single String as a

   List<T>, Set<T>, or SortedSet<T>, where T matches the already listed
   criteria. Sometimes parameters may contain more than one value for
   the same name. If this is the case, these types may be used to
   obtain all values.

In the codebase, MyClass1 and MyClass2 don't follow any of the above yet everything works fine on PROD. But when I tried to test the same method with Jersey Test framework, jersey gives me the exception on startup :

org.glassfish.jersey.server.model.ModelValidationException: Validation of 
the application resource model has failed during application initialization.
[[FATAL] No injection source found for a parameter of type public 

On further digging I found that above conditions were required for my @PathParams/@QueryParams bindings for MyClass1 and MyClass2. I supplied a public constructor with a single String argument to MyClass1 and the problem disappeared partly. I tried the same with MyClass2 but the problem persisted. MyClass2 is a static inner class which has a parent class too. So here are my questions :

  1. How is it working fine on PROD but complaining on JUnit test?
  2. Are there any special considerations to be made for static inner classes to be used for binding @PathParams/@QueryParams? I gave a public constructor with single String arg to the static inner class but the problem still persisted while for the other class (MyClass1) it worked. Is there something which I am missing?



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