Questions about VISSIM COM interface GetQueued method

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I'm using Python to communicate with the VISSIM traffic simulation software using its COM interface. I'm trying to access the GetQueued information of one of my link while running a simulation.

import win32com.client as com
vissim_com = com.Dispatch("Vissim.Vissim")
Sim = vissim_com.Simulation
vnet =
links = vnet.Links
link1 = links.GetLinkByNUmber(1)
Sim.Period = 3600
for i in range(3600):
    cars = link1.GetVehicles()
    queued_cars = cars.GetQueued()

The last line returns an error

pywintypes.com_error: (-2147352567, 'Exception occurred.', (0, None, 'Not implemented method called.', 'VISSIMCOM.HLP', 131200, -2147467259), None)

I have no idea for this question, is there anything wrong with my code?


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