Rails 3, Pandastream API - Video not showing up in App

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I've been following this guide to make use of the Pandastream API in my Rails 3 app: http://www.pandastream.com/docs/integrate_with_rails

I've gotten to the point where I can successfully upload a video (I can see it on the dashboard on my pandastream account) from my app, but when I go to my show.html.erb page to view the uploaded video, all I see is an HTML 5 player that just says "Loading", and this code:

#<Panda::Video id: "b1dc1f37094330867e68fa73e7c23c14", created_at: "2012/06/20 17:09:05 +0000", updated_at: "2012/06/20 17:09:07 +0000", original_filename: "panda.mp4", source_url: nil, duration: 14014, height: 240, width: 300, extname: ".mp4", file_size: 805301, video_bitrate: 344, audio_bitrate: 112, audio_codec: "aac", video_codec: "h264", fps: 29.97, audio_channels: 2, audio_sample_rate: 44100, status: "success", path: "b1dc1f37094330867e68fa73e7c23c14", cloud_id: "12fbe9bac70c2264d3b9a6a89511b258">

What am I doing wrong here?


<h2><%= @video.title %></h2>
<p><%= h @video.panda_video.inspect %></p>

<% if @h264_encoding.success? %>
  <video id="movie" width="<%= @h264_encoding.width %>" height="<%= @h264_encoding.height %>" preload="none" 
  poster="<%= @h264_encoding.screenshots.first %>" controls>
  <source src="<%= @h264_encoding.url %>" type="video/mp4">
<% end %>

There are 1 best solutions below


When your upload the video, it is processing for encoding in panda cloud (check the pan). After some time you refresh the browser. The video will be played.